Thursday, February 26, 2009
More Sanding and Snow Pole Update

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Snow Competition

Sanding continues on the stairs but we have decided that I am being too aggressive in my efforts. We will be re-staining the steps a dark dark brown so it really isn't necessary to sand them down to bare wood.

When I say we have decided I'm being too aggressive, I mean not me. However, after consulting with others, I been persuaded to believe that perhaps Susan is Ri...rrrrrr.....not wrong.
Anyway, I shall continue in a less aggressive manner and hopefully have it all done before...oh let's see, I'm not very good at setting goals and then meeting them. Okay, let's say St. Patrick's Day!
I have started a new batch of beer which I am planning on entering in the fair this coming September. I am developing what I believe to be a rather unusual recipe. I shall not reveal my ingredients at this point. I think it will suffice to say that "Skunk Pelt Beer" will be the talk of the fair.I was surprised by the amount of spooge (official brewing term) the primary fermenter (another official brewing term) contained when I racked (Yup) the wort (uh huh). There was a good inch of spoogie sediment in the bottle. Probably a good idea to get it racked outta that stuff. (non-official brewing term)
I also had to add almost a gallon of water to top it off. It didn't seem to effect the taste or the gravity reading but it definitely effects the alcohol content. This should be around 5 percent. It's a porter and they are generally not high alcohol beverages.
I will be bottling it in about a week which means I better start now to get all my bottling equipment together. I'm only going to bottle about a gallon of the five gallon batch. The rest will go in the keg. The requirements of the fair force me to bottle. I don't do it often and so I am often scrambling to find everything I need at bottling time. (Drink beer now)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sanding Continues...Sort of
I also found more trim to remove that I had not previously considered for removal because I did not see it. Trim can hide in the most unexpected of places. It's as if they purposely stuck it in all sorts of nooks and crannies. Nooks aren't so bad but the crannies are very difficult to get the trim out of.
Anyway, I only used two more pieces of sand paper tonight. Many more to come.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sanding: #01
Here you can see the base of the stairs as they were before I began the arduous task removing 99 years of stain, dirt, mold, slime, goo, schmagma, crap, and poo from the surface.
I started with our detail sander but quickly realized that I should start large and finish small. So I pulled out the palm sander and, using 60 grit sand paper, went to work. The treads and the siding sanded to bare wood pretty easily and quickly. I discovered that you can't get too attached to any particular piece of sand paper. You use them up quickly and without prejudice. When it is no longer doing the job for you, it is not prudent to keep using the same worn out piece of sand paper. (There are so many metaphors I could use here, but every one of them gets me in trouble with someone who might read this)Once you add a fresh replacement, the difference is amazing and readily noticeable. I only completed four steps tonight but that was in the span of about an hour and a half.
The odd thing is that the side trim and the treads sand to wood pretty easily. The risers are much more difficult to sand. For one thing, I can see that we missed a LOT of staples and nails when we pulled the carpet up four years ago. I'm going to have to meticulously examine each riser for staples and nails. If you miss one, particularly a broken staple, it rips the hell out of your sandpaper.
I used one sheet of sand paper on tonight's efforts. I figure I need about se7en more sheets. Probably more!
times se7en!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
I have been pro-active in the whole Valentine's thing because I realized early in my marriage that, despite what a woman may tell you, Valentine's Day is very important and you better not blow it.
I have done many little things around the house this week as part of my Valentine's gifting. I installed a light that shold have been installed a loooooooooong time ago.
I cleaned my closet. That was long overdue.
I bought two dozen roses to be delivered to her at work with a cheesy poem.
And last night, we went to dinner at the Cedars Floating Restaurant.
So while I have successfully fulfilled my Valen-duties, I must say that Susan out did me in the gifts department. She made me some little Valentine's Cakes, she bought me cigars, as well as some Hershey's Hugs and Kisses, and she had an old watch that was my grandfather's repaired. That was perhaps the best and most thoughtful gift.
I'll have to try better next year.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Wrecking Havoc

Having made this move we are well entrenched into what will now be known as, "The Year of the Entryway".
Sunday, February 01, 2009
A Lazy Sunday
We went out to Scotty's Bar & Grill for the festivities. That gave us a lazy morning to sit around and do nothing. We still managed to be a little bit productive but nothing on the house.
At the start of the season, I was involved in a Fantasy Football League where you pick 4 teams and then you win points depending on how your teams did. I didn't do too badly because my teams were Colorado, San Diego, NY Giants and Arizona. Arizona won me $20.00 by making it into the Uper-Say Owl-Bay and I had the opportunity for $40.00 more if they won. You can therefore make your own assumptions about which team I was supporting.
Unfortunately, they came very close and made it a great game but I will not be doing the happy dance. The final score was 27-23 with Arizona not winning. I will not say the name of the team that won even though I am really not emotionally vested in either team.
Anyway, congrats to those other guys and now it is time to get back to work on the house.