Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Record Breaking Winter
Now, let's be clear about this. That is not how much snow we have on the ground. It's how much snow we got over the season. It doesn't seem at all impressive considering it's all gone now.
So essentially, we had a shit load of snow for about two months. Most of it fell over a two week period and then slowly melted away.Then we had an occassional little addition here and there that caused no problems as far as every day life in winter conditions but added to the accumulation.
This is a dream come true for me because it puts me into a coveted Codger Category known as "Seen Worse". For the rest of my life, even if we have a winter with 90 inches of snow on the ground, when some repugnant little street urchin makes some comment about the rough winter we're currently enduring, I can just shrug and say, "Seen worse!" Then I'll spit and say, "Get off my Lawn!"
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Load of Whatnot
You might recall that we have an old house that we are working on restoring. It's been a while since we have done any of that work so today was a good day to get us back on track.
Susan did some work in the bathroom repairing some damaged wallpaper. It was directly above the area of the dining room that was damaged. She really knows her way around wall paper. I didn't watch the whole process but I think she removed a couple of large pieces of wall paper and replaced it with new, pristine stuff.
I worked on the stairs. I made good progress on the bottom eleven steps and now have the top four to complete. Then there is all the sundry railing, trim and whatnot. It's the whatnot that really has me concerned. Every time I glance around, I spy more whatnot that will need attention. More than anything in the house, we have a crap load of whatnot.

He suggested that I might have some luck in tight spaces with a paint scraper. He was absolutely correct. My sanders cannot get in real close to the corners and the detail sander we have is not the fastest way to go. But the scraper allows me to scrape away a great deal of the varnish that the sander has to sand away which saves that much more time.
Even so, I'm pretty sore from pushing the sander around and kneeling in a variety of uncomfortable positions. Perhaps it's time to take a shower and clean the chunks of sanding dust out of my many orifices to which it has settled.
That doesn't paint a very pretty picture.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Spring Like on the Park
The lawn needs to be cleaned up so I can get some fertilizer down. I bought of big bag last Fall and was supposed to put it down and let it sink in over the winter. Well, that never happened, of course and so now I am again playing ketchup. (I've never understood that phrase.)
I pulled out my power vac leaf sucker and went over the front lawn and the curb and removed all the debris that has collected over the Winter. I filled my garbage can and then my neighbors. (They're out of town and that's one the perks I get for looking after their cat.)
Afterwards, I celebrated with a beer and a cigar. The beer was fabulous. I regret the cigar. I always regret the cigar but I always smoke another one. I'm stupid that way.
I think I finally have the computer under control. I've been spending the last couple of nights loading programs and drivers and porn. It looks like it's all back to normal. I am very thankful that Susan bought me that external hard drive. I would have lost everything if I had not had that. That means 10 years worth of digital pictures, all our past invitations to parties, and lots of art projects I've done over the years. And then there's the porn. Don't even get me started on the porn.
I have to go now. You got me started!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Continuing Technical Difficulties
My re-format of my hard drive didn't work because I didn't really set it up right. I came home last night to discover the computer still behaving badly.
I should have realized it when I still had all my data and applications on the computer. So, I went back into the bowels of the operating system. It was a lot like that scene from "2001: A Space Odyssey" where Dave crawls into Hal and starts removing chips.
So now I have to re-load everything. Fortunately, all my important pictures and data are on my external hard drive. I haven't lost anything. I just have to get it back where I want it. It's like I have to refile all my papers.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Technical Difficulties
I called the place I bought it from and the guy ran through a bunch of diagnostic stuff. Finally he had me re-format the drive. It appears to have worked as I have had it running for a couple of hours now and I even have all my programs and data...which makes me wonder if I really did re-format it correctly.
Anyway, it's working right now so I guess I'll go with that and see what happens.
It's a rainy Sunday and I haven't done much of anything today. Susan is working on repairing the damage in the Dining Room. Refer to December 27th for the details.
I have done some minor organizing projects and taken the studded tires off Susan's car. Now the only studs she has is me.
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Big Fat Happy Honkin' Welcome to Vern
I worked last night on the heater. I had the help of my friend Jerry who laughed at me for the appropriate amount of time. We had a tough time running the new wire over to the thermostat because I did such a crappy job of drilling holes originally. I had to beat a couple of new holes in the bedroom wall next to the bathroom to facilitate a successful running of the wire.
So now that I have that fix taken care of, I need to turn my attention back to the stairs. Oh Jeez, the STAIRS! I had almost forgotten. Well, I have this weekend to make something happen. Hopefully, it will be a fertile environment for Remodeling Achievement.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Bathroom Heater Repair
The afore mentioned Dumb ass shall remain nameless but I know where he lives. It is an incredible coincidence that his house didn't burn to the ground at the same time that this one didn't burn to the ground.
In the meantime, I shall endeavor to run the correct wire and then have it checked by a qualified friend who would have yelled at me...um...I mean, the other guy when it was installed.
Back to the Grind
But first, it is now time to get back to reality and resume our normal lives. We returned to discover that the heater in the upstairs bathroom is on the fritz and that will be my focus of attention when I return from work tonight.
In the meantime, all the cats appear to have survived our absence, the house is still standing, and the social and moral fabric of the community seem to be about where it was when we left.
All is well!
Friday, March 13, 2009
A Safer World because of Us!
Our TV was on for a total of 37 hours over the one week period. Four of those hours, it was on but we weren't really watching it. We have four TVs in the house but we primarily watch the one in the kitchen because that one is closest to the fridge.
I thought it was funny that the TV in what we call the TV Room, was not watched at all during the week. I'm beginning to wonder why we have a TV Room. It's really a Superfluous Room.
We are pleased to have done our duty to the entertainment industry and are confident that we helped to make the world a safer place for advertisers.
In less important news, it is still mighty frigid ot dere which compelled me to make a wonderful house warming fire last night. I was going through my files and decided it was time to throw out lots of old checkbooks. They went as far back as 2001 and as recent as 2007. They kept the fire stoked for a good hour as I threw a few in and then watched some TV (because it was on). Then at a commercial break, I threw in a few more.
Now all our financial information has been reduced to the ashes from whence we all came, thereby completing the circle of life.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Crime Scene Guy

Yesterday, it actually worked for me. The reporter said that there was an accident at Third and Thor involving a car hanging off the freeway overpass.
That report allowed me plenty of time to have my camera ready to snap a provocative news scene photo. It's too bad the sun could not have cooperated to provide me better back lighting, but that is one of the problems you deal with when you're a professional news scene reporter camera guy. (Official Title)
It's another really cold day. The temperature is six degrees this morning. Not as cold as yesterday but when it gets to ten and below, what's the difference if it's six or six below?!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
No Temperature
Also, I'm thankful for April...but it's not here yet.
Progress on the stairs has slowed as we are doing some cleaning to try and keep up with the massive build up of sanding dust. I've tried my damnedest to seal up the immediate sanding area with hanging plastic and signs instructing the dust not to proceed beyond the area. But dust doesn't care. It seems to just go with the wind. It idly seeps to wherever it feels like going.
When it gets there, it invites it's friends and family.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Winter All Over Again
In the meantime, it is colder than a witches snot on the shady side of a submarine. (I think I mixed some metaphors there) It's supposed to be that way for another day or so. I went down to the river at lunch and it is really chilly. Bright blue sky and nothing to hold in the heat. The forecast is calling for a possible low of one degree tonight.
That makes it harder for the new snow to melt away. I guess I'll probably regret not having cleared the driveway and sidewalks. No doubt my neighbors are wondering where I am, after all my selfless Snow Blowing back in December. Well, I guess the answer is, I'm selfish again.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Falling Behind AGAIN!
Of course, I still have a good week to go before that time but this week looks very busy with other activities that will keep me off the stairs in the evening. I'm not too upset because goals are set to be broken, moved, re-set and ignored.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
We're a Nielsen Family

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Sanding and the Fourth Night of Birthday Week

On the Fourth Day of my Birthday Week, I got a tool that I do not know how I have gotten along without it all this time. It is advertized as the perfect tool for the home remodeler. It's called a Catspaw and it is a cool little pry bar/nail puller. I sure do wish I had it when we were pulling up the floor.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Wine Night
Okay, with that out of the way, let's enter the Wine Making Facilities at Waverly Place Vineries

Monday, March 02, 2009
My House as a Chew Toy
So I pulled out the ladder and climbed up there to retreat the chew areas with more Pepper Spray. That should hold it for a while but I have to get on a schedule where I treat it every couple of weeks. That should train them to stay away.
They are persistent. I am not!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Symphony Update

Susan and I went out for dinner afterwards and made it home in time to lay about and watch some TV.
March Comes in Like a Socialist

I made some good progress on the stairs Friday night. I have two treads left to sand but that does not mean I'm almost finished with the sanding. I have several risers to get to as well as a good deal of trim and all of the railing. However, I think I'm making good progress and we will be ready to re-stain and paint after St Patrick's Day.
We are accomplishing very little around here today. We have tickets to see the Spokane Symphony this afternoon and will follow the performance with a little dinner on the town. We are terribly social. You might say we are Socialists. However, I do not want Universal Health Care. Somehow, I have horribly strayed from the subject.