This is just the start of many more days and nights of painting to come.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Eve
This is just the start of many more days and nights of painting to come.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tile Conundrum
Perhaps I should explain.
My friend and fraternity brother Brian has become interested in home brewing because he has tasted my home brew and thereby been sucked into the brewing brotherhood. And while he has made the effort to buy some introductory equipment into the endeavor, he has not yet brewed.
Brian has planned a festive holiday party for the early part of the festive holiday season to be held at his festive holiday home located in the festive Glenrose region of the Spok-Anal Area. I offered to make a keg of beer for his festive gathering. He wanted to break his Brewing Cherry on my dime so I invited him over to observe the festive brewing process.
While here, he commented on my entry way tile project and how festively fabulous it was. Then came the issue of the transition into the TV room. I was planning on placing tile there. Tile Master Ron was planning on placing tile there. Susan said that she thought there should be wood in that spot rather than tile. I said, "Oh Susan. Poor poor little Susan. How can you be so misguided?!"
But tonight, Brian said, "You don't want tile there. If you are in the TV Room, with the door closed, you would see tile. You want to see wood until it transitions under the door."
I should say at this point that Brian is an ASSHOLE! Oh sure, he may be a correct asshole...but an asshole nonetheless.
Why is Brian an asshole? Because now, thanks to his un-invited critique, Susan is doing the victory dance around the tile and I have no choice but to admit defeat. WHY?! Because I was wrong!
If you will note in the picture above, the red dotted line indicates where the door will be when it is closed. It is clear to me now that the area from the wood to the tile should be filled with wood...not tile. It took an outsider to point this out to me.
Now here is the important point to get from this. "Always listen to your wife!"
Here is an alternate, less emasculating way to look at it. People need to come through your house and look at your projects and give their opinions. Nine hundred and ninety-nine times out of fifty their opinions will suck. But occasionally, a Brian (Asshole) will come through and hurt your short term pride in order to save you from a lifetime of humiliation.
I can clearly see now that Brian (and Susan) was correct. Fortunately, I have not written this down anywhere will people will find out about it.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Snow Day

Lazy day around the ranch today. I'm sitting here at the keyboard and Susan is scraping the stairs...trying to remove some of the stain so we can get that stalled project under way again. Perhaps I should go help. I think it's helpful to sit here and write about it.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tile and Beer
You may recall that I grew a couple of hops vines over the past summer. One of the dangers of growing hops is having to harvest hops and then do something with your harvest. Yesterday we did something.

We are about to hit our busy season. Painting skywalks, working on the house, and our general partying schedule will keep us very busy.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
So Close and yet...

It goes without saying (and yet, I'm going to say it) that Susan and I are thrilled. It really looks good. The colors are just right and it looks like it belongs there. It makes you want to come in and do something elegant...have a snifter of cognac, talk down to the servants and chat about the opera.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lame Snowfall Report
I did notice some whiteness on the south hill as I drove to the bar this morning. There was also some snow on the hills above the valley. A couple of hundred feet makes a big difference.
I worked at the bar today and now I have to get ready to work some benefit thing that I agreed to do with my friend, Mark. I really shouldn't have agreed to do this because after I bar tend for eight hours, my body starts to freeze up and doesn't want to do any more work. All I'm doing is pouring wine so it shouldn't be too bad. Still, I would much prefer to sit here in the house and pour wine...for ME.
I'm getting excited because tomorrow is tile day. Ron is coming at tenish and he fully expects to have the project done by the end of the day. I will of course, have extensive photographic and wordal evidence here.

I really like this picture. You can see heat vapors rising out of the flames. It gives you an indication of how cold it was. In short, a delightful night by the Stump.
Friday, November 13, 2009
First Snow Fall
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mo' Leveler

I have picked up the tile and it is in our possession. I have spoken with Tile Master Ron concerning his availability for Sunday and he has confirmed his availability-ness. We will be making a tile entry this weekend. That is a definite possible maybe!
Monday, November 09, 2009
Trip to the Dump
Again, at least 100 pounds of water was dumped. Total cost for dumping all my leaves this weekend: $16.85. That does not include the gas for Rob's truck or the cost of hosing it out and returning it to it's pristine state. That's my job at lunch.
Above is a nice shot of my pickup load of wet leaves at the dump this morning.
I hope I get to pick up my tile today. I will find out shortly. It's only 30 tiles so it won't be any big deal to get it...providing it has arrived.
I found some interesting damage to the hardwood floor right in front of the stairway. There is an end piece of wood that chipped off it's plank. The end piece adjacent to it also has a big chip that flicked off. The wood underneath the chip is dirty looking which leads me to believe this is old damage.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Rainy Sunday
That severely interfered with our plans for yard leaf removal. We were hoping the rain would hold off until late in the day. Nonetheless, we went forth with our plans and were successful in the effort. I made a trip to the dump with a heavily laden pickup truck and I have another load ready to go for the morning on my way to work.
I have wondered this before and will do it again, I'm sure. How much of my dump fee went to pay for water that was in my leaves? The city makes a nice little sum of money on rainy days, I suspect.
The yard is nice and clean and most of the leaves are out of the trees so I think we are done with leaves for the season. I do have a side yard that we didn't get to but the leaves are mostly in what passes for our flower beds so I'm not going to worry too much.
Bring on the Snow! We be ready!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Shoppers make last minute dash for Halloween costumes
Halloween Hang Over