I ended up going to my favorite local butcher shop, Sonnenberg's, and purchased a stuffed Pork Chop. I tied it up with string to keep all the stuffing in place commenced to roasting the sucker.
I am again caught in a quandary of whether to use indirect heat with the cover on or direct heat with the cover off. I ended up going with the latter and it seemed to work well. My pork chop was tasty and not too over cooked.
We invited some friends to join us at church today and then join us for a nice Palm Sunday brunch. It was quite tasty and I think our friends enjoyed the service and food.
We returned home and immediately proceeded into our respective doodies of the day. I was going to do some various ends and odds around the house and Susan was going to sand walls in the entry way.
One of my outdoor doodies was to try to eliminate more mos from the roof. Below is a before picture.
I got up there on the ladder and started raking the moss off the roof. It came off pretty easily but it took with it a lot of small shingle sand. that's the only name I have for it. It's the little granules of stuff on the shingles that help protect the roof from all the enemies it faces.
I think I did a pretty good job of attacking the problem. I need to get up there with more bleach water to continue the attack. It's raining right now so hopefully, some of the bleach water I sprayed up there the other day will trickle down and start to influence more moss in a negative way.
Now we have to clean up all the sanding debris that went everywhere in the house. It is as if Mount St. Helens blew again and inundated every part of the house.