Saturday, June 17, 2017

CPHA Yard Sale 2017

It has been a while since I have posted. I'm not going to apologize because I just don't care that much.

Today was the Annual Corbin Park Neighborhood Yard Sale. It once was a big thing but not so much any more. We probably had about 15 houses participating around the park and another 15 or more on the adjacent streets beyond the park.

As president of the Corbin Park HomeOwners Association, it was my job to get the signs out around the area this morning.
Beyond that, Susan and I walked around the park and looked at some of the sales.

Susan had a big catering event up at Arbor Crest called "the Pour". It's a big charitable event to raise money through drinking wine.

I did some household chores like mowing and edging and that's about it.

Then I changed my surroundings to this.
This was much more enjoyable than mowing...but definitely more work. My upper body paddling strength needs some honing.

Here are some more pictures from the river.
You will note some baby ducks in the weeds.

That is all for now. I need to nap.