Sunday, February 03, 2013

Super Bowl Flu Day

I started coming down with it on Wednesday night. I knew Thursday was going to be unpleasant at work and I was right. I made it until 10. Then I went home sick.

I slept most of the day. I wasn't feeling horrible. In fact, I really had a hard time trying to pin down what my ailments were. I was stuffy and had a runny noses but no headache. I was kind of sore but not achy. I didn't feel bad enough to stay in bed but not good enough to be at work. 

Friday was a scheduled vacation day that I spent in bed. I was feeling better towards the end of the day but not good enough to go to the Hub for a Susan wanted. She did mention she felt she might be coming down with whatever I had. 

It overtook her during the night. She woke up about 12:30AM with the flu. I can pretty distinctly remember that I felt pretty good at 7:30AM on Saturday.

Even now, late on Sunday night, I'm not 100% back. Of course, I didn't start the decline at 100%. Let's say I started at 85%. Right now, I'm at 75%.
Anyway, we stayed home today and watched XLVII. It turned out to be a good game, despite the power loss.

As for any work being done on the house, it was a wasted weekend.

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