Sunday, May 12, 2019

Spring Weekend

We have just experienced a week of fabulous weather. I turned the heat off a week ago and we haven't missed it at all. With the great weather, we had a productive weekend of re-establishing our outdoor relaxation centers.
On Friday, we got the front porch set up and had our first beers of the season there. You can see by the chain on the floor that we still must lock everything up.

On Saturday, we went over to Mom's and I power washed her patio. Then we moved all the furniture out there and got it set up. 

That inspired me enough to come home and power wash the deck.
You can really see the difference from the area I cleaned and the area yet to be cleaned.

I also drained the hot tub...a job that was long overdue. I still have to give it a good scrubbing but that can come later. I'm not sure if I'm going to fill it right away.

Today was Mother's Day so we grabbed my Mother and took her to breakfast. We went to the Monroe Street Grill. Susan and I have been there once since they opened over a year ago and thought it would be a good place to patronize. 

We all enjoyed our meals. I had the Chicken Fried Steak which was excellent. However the biscuit they serve it over was too cakey. I like a biscuity biscuit, ya know!? 

Anyway, it was good and Mom enjoyed getting out. We got her home and by the time we got home, we were ready for a nap. So from 2 to 4, we napped. It was awesome.

With the deck clean, we used the after nap period to get the deck furniture down from the Carriage House.
Now everything is right in the universe. Almost.

It was pretty warm last night and hard to sleep upstairs. If only I had a way to cool the bedroom prior to bedtime.

Oh yeah. I have air conditioners. So I got that installed in the bedroom and all should be well tonight. I have two more to get in place but that can happen later.

So NOW, everything is right in the universe.

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