Sunday, December 30, 2007
Lazy Sunday & the L.L.L.B.
It's a cold crisp Sunday and everything is beautiful and wintery out. We are enjoying a lazy day around the house. Susan still wants to leave the Christmas decorations up for another week. I'm okay with that because it lends to my lazy Sunday. After the first of the year however, the Christmas lights need to be extinguished, lest the magic be dragged on into the new year and thereby diminished.
On Friday night I was going to pull out my cross country skis and tour the park. At about 6:30, I went out to my car to get my gloves and startled a Low Life Loser Bastidge trying to steal Susan's car. I heard something going on when I opened the door to go out and by the time I got to the driveway, the Low Life Loser Bastidge was high tailing it out of the area. I only saw his back so the only description I have is that he had a shaved head, wore an olive green colored coat, (it might have been something like an Army Jacket) and he could run really fast. I tried chasing him but in my cross country boots, I made it to the end of the driveway before I fell on my ass and the L.L.L.B. was already across the street and heading around the corner. Did I mention that he could run fast?
He had somehow unlocked the driver side door and was trying to pry the club off the steering wheel. There was no damage to the door so he got in with a master key or a slim jim or some such similar device.
I am a believer in Karma and so I know that this is going to come back and haunt this Effer. But I can't figure out what I have done in my past to merit Karma coming down on us in this way. Then again, if I sat down and really thought about it, I could come up with reasons.
The Low Life Loser Bastidge did a little damage to the steering wheel, peeling some of the rubber from around the rim. Susan went out and bought another steering wheel at the local wrecking yard yesterday so I am going to go out and try to figure out how to replace it.
In the meantime, this is the first of three days off. I am enjoying the time off immensely. There is football to watch and hot cider to drink and steering wheels to replace. I guess I had better get to it.
Friday, December 28, 2007
We GotZ Da Wint'a!

Ah, there she is. The Craftsman 26 inch Snow Devil Model 2400. Built just before the turn of the century, this machine offers the latest in 1999 snow removal technology. It comes to life with the push of a button with its electric starter. It has six forward speeds and two in reverse. The articulating swivel shoot allows for precise target delivery and placement of removed snow. I've added high performance spark plugs and a super high reflective 10,000 candle Halogen headlight to augment the quiet chaos the 5.0 H.P. Tecumseh engine can exact on the driveway.
I went all the way down the side walk on both sides of my corner. My next project is to figure out how to remove the snow while wearing my cross-country skis. I love this weather!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Back to the Real World
Since it was still the crack of Oh-Dawn:30, I used my Super Shovel rather than break out the Snow Blower. That means I only did a rudimentary job of shoveling and I'll save the major clean up for tonight. Plus, it's still snowing so my area will require a good re-shoveling.
Now I'm at work and I have lots to do.
First, make coffee. Next, turn on all my equipment. After that, get a cup of coffee and then shovel the front walk a bit. It's still snowing as I mentioned so it won't do much good by the time everyone else starts showing up.
Then, delete the 500 junk e-mail messages I got over the past four days. Geez!!, there is a lot of crap out there. Is anyone really making money doing that?!
Well, after four fabulous Holiday filled days off, it's time to return to the Real World now.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas

Even though we have lived here for over three years, this is our first Christmas here at the house. We have always gone to Iowa to be with Susan's family. This year, we stayed put. I know Susan misses seeing her family but it was probably good that we stayed home considering the weather that has been pounding on the mid-west. Lots of ice storms, although I haven't heard any horror stories from Susan's sister.
We still have a dinner to eat at my sisters tonight and then it is back to the real world tomorrow. Fortunately, it's only for three days and then the weekend hits us again and more time off for New Years.
I like the concept of putting off reality as long as you can.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve
I just wanted to post another Currier & Ives picture of the house. We had a great snow storm on Saturday that stopped just in time for a wonderful Winter Solstice Party. I wasn't sure many people were going to show up because of the slick conditions out. But we had a really good turn out.

Tonight we are going the the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist and then over to a Prime Rib dinner with family.
The moon is just past full tonight and it looks quite lovely as it lights up the Christmas Eve sky.
Here's hoping a Merry Christmas to all.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Random Thoughts
The Holiday Season
It's coming down to the wire for the Christmas shopping and I still have lots of consuming to do. I have a good way of making my disorganization into a well organized mess. However, I am not stressed about it.
Susan...she's pretty organized. And she's pretty stressed. I'm not sure why but I imagine that part of it has to do with the fact that we are not going to Iowa this year for Christmas. It's the first time in a long time for her. Her family is steeped in Christmas Traditions and when a routine changes on you, like not being there, and you come from a family that is steeped in Christmas Traditions, I guess I can see some sadness and stress coming into play.
It's best for me to stay out of her way and do what she tells me. NOW!
The Inconvenience of Convenience
When I first got my car with the remote door lock feature, I thought I had found Nirvana. I was never good at locking my doors. In fact, I'm still not good at it. But this made it much easier to do. Plus, you have the cool short "doop-ta-doop" horn honk to let you AND EVERYONE ELSE AROUND know that you are cool . . . . . and secure.
Along with character defects like not locking doors when I should, I also drop keys. A lot! Consequently, the remote takes a lot of abuse. Now that the car is se7en years old, the cumulative abuse is taking its toll. I have had to break out the soldering iron more than once in the last few months.
My point is, on those occasions when the remotes doesn't work, I find it very annoying to have to go through the extra effort to take the key, insert it in the lock and MANUALLY unlock the car. It's a giant inconvenience to this previously orgasmic operation and I find it very stressful.
Stay out of my way, Susan!
Winter Solstice
Since we are home for Christmas, we decided to have a Solstice gathering. Well, I decided and told Susan about it. (Perhaps that is part of her stress)
Anyway, I wanted this to be a low key affair. I haven't told a lot of people and there were no invitations...just word of mouth. Saturday is a busy night for people so if we get light attendance, we don't care. We'll have homebrew and wine and some fires burning in the yard. We're not going crazy with food and snacks and stuff. At least , I don't think we are. Susan may have other plans. Those plans are stress dependant.
Tonight involvo's (intentional mis-spelling, no reason, just thought it was funny) cleaning the house to prepare for standing around fires burning in the yard.
This concludes my thoughts. I will now return to not thinking.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Carriage Ride
Whether we had anybody show up or not...this was one of those nights that makes me glad I live here. It's a great neighborhood.
Here are a co

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Even More Christmas Decorating

You can see how fabulous the living room looks with our eight foot tree and the festive electric train protecting it from cats. So far, the cats have not seemed too interested. Stay tuned to this blog for the earliest breaking developments when the cats do become interested.
The best thing about the tree is the smell. I love that rich natural scent of pine throughout the house. It smells just like one of those little pine tree car air fresheners...with needles.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christmas Decorating Continues
I got up early this morning and did my neighborhood duty of clearing the sidewalks. It was too early (Dark:30 A.M.) for me feel comfortable about firing up the snow blower so I did the job with my Super Scoop shovel. It was a light fluffy snow so removing it was easy. And I can always use the exercise.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Christmas Decorating

We received just a skiff of snow today. Not much but enough to make things look wintery. So here is a picture of the house all dressed up. It's nothing very fancy, but we like it. It looks especially classy from across the park.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Wishbone Protocol

After a suitable drying out period, we did the wishbone tradition. The question is, who wins with a wishbone as pictured above? Both sides broke in the same place. The only difference is that one side broke into two pieces.
We are in a quandry over this and don't know who gets his or her wish.
I havn't gone so far as to search the internet for official Wishbone Wishing Rules. I wonder if there is such a place.
Good News! There is such a place. I just googled "wishbone" and came across a site called Here is an excerpt from it.
Once the merrythought (wishbone) is dry, it is given to two people (usually children), who pull it apart until it cracks and breaks, each one making a wish while doing so. The person who gets the "long half" of the wishbone will have his or her wish "come true." If the wishbone breaks evenly, both parties get their wishes. In some families it is said that the wish will only come true if it is not revelaed to anyone. (The belief that a wish must be kept secret to ensure its fulfillment also occurs in "first star" and birthday candle wishing rituals).
So, I am declaring that both Susan and I get our wish. I'm glad I was able to clear that up.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Victory Over Skywalks

So, another season of window painting is behind us. We did end up getting another job which I'm going to start on tonight. It's a Wine Shop downtown and it won't take very long for us to get it done.
After that, I have some friends houses I'm going to do and then we will be able to get back to the house, and the bathroom. Remeber the bathroom?
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
One Skywalk to Go
Susan got an early start last night and had two different people ask about having their places painted. One was a home and one was a business.
I'm going to check in with the business this afternoon and see what they want done. I drove past their store this morning and they have some pretty big windows. I guess we have to wait for the people with the home to call us.
In the meantime, here are some pictures from the City Hall Skywalk.

Okay, that's my stuff that I liked. Here is some of Susan's Snowflake work.
She really puts some detail into those snowflakes. And like the real ones, there are no two exactly alike. At least there are no two alike on any particular skywalk. There are similiar ones throughout the skywalks we have done and it's possible you could win $10,000.00 if you can find them.
Then again, it's possible you could win the Lottery too.
Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Are You Too Drunk to Read?
Friday, November 16, 2007
Bathroom Progress (or lack thereof)

I think things are going well and it looks pretty good. I'll just be glad when I have an upstairs toilet back.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Leaf Day 2007

Back on June 18th, I wrote about power washing the deck and this wayward spacey guy named Brian who came by the house looking for odd jobs to earn a little money.
Today he showed up with his Fiance. They had just been evicted from their apartment up in Mead. He went through a lengthy soliloquy about their hard luck times. It essentially all came down to the fact that they hadn't paid their rent.
He initially showed up while I was on a dump run and Susan was raking in the yard. She told him he would have to wait for me to return. I saw him as I drove up the street and started wondering what was up. Susan told me he was looking for work and we decided we could have them rake a little. We would throw him some money and perhaps a bowl of Chili. We had a whole bunch left over from Halloween.
Anyway, Susan and I where busy loading leaves and we put Brian and the fiance to work in the backyard with a leaf blower and a couple of beers. The fiance didn't seemed very inclined to work and let Brian do everything.
We got the truck loaded and I had to get to the dump as it was approaching Closing time. I didn't want to leave Susan with Brian and the fiance still there. So, I told him I had to get going and he had done enough. I gave him $15.00 and two beers for about 45 minutes worth of leaf blowing...and a little raking.
So what have we learned here today? That I am a soft touch!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Halloween Rules
The following is my preliminary list:
1) No Costume, No Candy
2) A Sweatshirt and a bandana is NOT a costume.
3) If you don't have a costume & you come up for candy, you better have a damn good reason.
4) Move it along! Take your Candy and Begone!
5) It's Halloween and we are trying to be spooky. If your little darling is too scared to come up and get FREE CANDY, don't get pissy with us!
6) When the lights are out, the Party is over!
I'll be adding to that, I'm sure.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Another Major Holiday in the History Books
I've been trying to do some little things here and there but I have been unsuccessful at making it happen. It is time to buckle down and put Phil to work.
Susan and I both dressed up. She was a witch and I was a skeleton. I would stand motionless out in the yard and scare the unsuspecting little urchins. It was great fun.
The best comment of the night I heard was one kid who probably got a full size candy bar. He and his friend were leaving the house and he said, "Wow! These guys must be RICH!"
No, kid! Not rich. Just stupid! And, I Loooooooove Halloween!
We finally quit about 8:30. For the first time we ran out of kids before we ran out of candy.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Ancient Egyptian Stone Moving
So, one day some time back, I started digging away the dirt that surrounded this big block of cement. I ended up digging about two feet down around this thing before it even started to wiggle loose.

I finally got tired of it sitting there and went to work on the project today. I decided to employ a complicated method of pulley and fulcrum use...but without the pulleys.
So I took this beat up old piece of 2x4 and used it as a leaver. I lifted one side of the cement block and tossed a block of wood under it. Then I lifted the other side and threw a block under there.

I was pretty pleased with me for figuring out how to return to the ancient ways and move my Block O'SeeMent. I think I would have been a good Egyptian Slave. Perhaps I was in another life.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
More Raking
I spent about an hour last night with my Leaf Shredder 2000 cleaning up the front yard. I figure that if I go out every couple of days and get all the leaves that have fallen, I will keep ahead of the game and not end up spending an entire dreary Sunday raking my arms off.
We have completed the tombstones. They look pretty good. Here is picture of them set up in the living room. There are a total of ten. They feature cleverly ghoulish names like Rigg R. Mortis, Manny Wurmfude and Frank N. Stein.

During my raking last night, I took a short break to look for some garbage bags. I went up into the upstairs portion of the Carriage House and turned on my CB Radio that I have up there. In Spokane, Channel One is where all the activity is. I have found that there is pretty much the same group of people on there every day. There is one guy in particular whose handle is "Pipe Layer". I get the impression that he is an Electrician. On the CB, he is nothing but a Bully. He is constantly telling people that he will kick their ass and is always trying to goad someone into a fight. Last night, Pipe Layer and another guy who goes by the handle of Laser Beam, were picking on a guy named Bob. They refuse to give anyone the respect of calling them by their handle. Once they find out your name, that's all they use.
I don't even know why they were pissed at Bob. But they just kept on calling him a dumbass and a Mama's boy and many other colorful names. I don't think it matters what the consternation is over. They just want to fight. That is a mentality that I have no understanding of. I don't think I have been in a fight since grade school. I think it is safe to say that if Mr. Pipe Layer and I ever met, he would kick my ass.
Anyway, I was sitting there listening to this for about ten minutes and I was starting to get pissed off. It was from the accumulation of listening to Mr. Pipe. I wanted to join in to the conversation and tell theses guys what losers they are.
Then I got to thinking if this was a field I wanted to play on. I mean, I have nothing in common with this collection of Spokane's Finest White Trash. Why should I engage them?! And so I turned it off and went back to leaf shredding. I think my time was better spent.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Weekend Get Away

We didn't do anything special other than get out of town. It was a great weekend and now I'm ready to face another week.
Like a I had a choice.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
We started a big re-model job on the Art Department (my Department) at work. We have been slowly moving away from creating film in our own darkroom, a technology that now seems so 1950's.
So, we are opening up the Dark Room and using the space for our Production Area. This means we will operate the many varieties of graphic equipment in that area. That will free up a bunch of space in the main office, which will better allow for the creative flow and ideas, designs and creative flow.

The problem with this construction is that is being done by MY contractor, Phil. So while he is working on this, he is not working on my bathroom. I need to be doing some stuff on my own on this bathroom project so it's probably for the best.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Bathroom Progress

And here is the B&A pictures of the main light. You will also note the fan cleanly mounted in the wall, where it harmlessly vents into the open attic. In 100 years, the rot from the moisture up there will cause the roof to collapse.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Productive Sunday
That last comment probably needs some clarification. Susan has been making tombstones out of blocks of styrofoam for a couple of weeks now. Today she painted them. Pictures below. The purpose of the tombstones is of course to adorn the yard for Halloween.

We also attending a Home Ideas Show which didn't really give us any ideas. Besides, we are still dealing with the ideas we already have.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Heat! finally
I have a ceramic wall heater in the bathroom. That is the main source of heat since I removed the radiator. I wanted to connect the heater to a programmable digital thermostat. In that way, I could have the heat come on in the morning automatically and have the room nice and toasty when we go in for a shower.
So I went to "The Depot" and bought the heater and the thermostat. I followed the instructions and got it all wired up. I hit the breaker to turn on the power and went upstairs. I immediately noticed this burning smell before I even entered the bathroom. I knelt down to the heater and couldn't see any problems there. I stood up and caught a glimpse of smoke streaming from the thermostat.
I tore down to the basement as fast as I could to shut off the breaker but by then, the damage was done. The thermostat was FRIED!
What bothers me most about this incident is that I should have figured it out before I ruined a $50.00 thermostat. I knew in the back of my head that I was putting too much voltage through it. That information never managed to make it to the front of my head.
Anyway, yesterday I returned to "The Depot" and scrutinized the collection of thermostats they had on hand. I finally found one that would take the 120 volts. I found it, bought it, wired it, and with trepidation, powered it up.
Fortunately for my checkbook, it worked.

Just as a reminder, we started the bathroom remodel on July 10th. Today is October 10th. That's three months...or a month and a half longer than I was hoping. But of course, I am not surprised.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
A Floor, Part One
Monday, October 01, 2007
California Dreamin'

Monday, September 24, 2007
Day 74ish

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday Special Project

As we cleaned further, I found some bottles on the bottom of the wine rack that had no labels. I assumed they were Beet Wine, part of a failed experiment were I learned that you do not make wine from beets.
There were four of these unlabeled suspect bottles but when I opened the first one, I discovered it was not beet wine. I think it was Huckleberry from about three years ago. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't worth saving.
We managed to get the whole basement back to a state that Susan could live with. I was able to live with it as it was, but I must admit that this is much better. I don't have to climb over crap and I have a better idea where most of my tools are.
Friday, September 21, 2007
New Camera

I just looked back and found that I bought my previous camera, the generally unimpressive Kodak EasyShare 340C last September 19th. It lasted me a year and cost about the same as this Canon, if you include the rechargeable batteries I kept buying for it.
I really don't know much about this new Camera yet. I was able to use the same SD Media card I used in my old Kodak but was unable to use the rechargeable battery pack. It looks like I'll have to buy a set of individual rechargeable batteries and go that route.
Anyway, I'm back in the camera world, and that makes me happy!
Countdown to the Furnace
As long as the house maintains a temperature of around 60, I don't think I'll need to turn it on. Sixty is the temperature I plan to keep the furnace at. I'll probably up it 65 as it gets colder.
But for now, we are quite comfy with the space heaters going in the kitchen. That is where we seem to spend our evenings.
It makes sense to heat only the areas we occupy and these heaters we bought are much more efficient than the furnace. In fact, they are much more efficient than your garden variety space heater. They better be for what we paid for them.
The upstairs bathroom remodel is progressing. Dry wall is going up. We should have all the dry walling completed by this weekend. Then we need to purchase our wainscoating supplies and tile for the shower. I also need to buy a small window for the shower too.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Pressure Test
As you will recall, the pipes are part of the heating system in the house, which is a gas fired boiler attached to a network of radiators. I cut the pipes that used to feed the radiator in the upstairs bathroom because we removed that radiator. In its place, I installed an electric wall heater with a programmable thermostat. That way, we can set the thermostat to turn on the heat at 5:30 AM and the bathroom will be all warmed up when we go in to use it.
We are trying to get away from using the main furnace as much as possible. We will use it to keep the house at 60 degrees, thereby preventing the pipes from freezing. We will use our various space heaters to heat the rooms we actually occupy. The hope is that we can avoid the $400.00 a month heating bills we got last winter.
So, I capped the pipes in the basement where I cut them. I used these plastic fittings that snugged over the pipe end and then sinched down around a rubber sleeve as they are tightened. So far, they are working fine. I filled the system with water and there are no leaks coming from the caps.
The next test will be when I turn on the gas and actually heat the system up. Then I will find out how well these PVC fittings work.
I would like to add that we are now up to September 20th without the main heat turned on. I am hoping to make it to the end of the month.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Wiring and Respect
Don't think I'm getting cocky. I still respect electricity.
But sometimes, it's worth the risk to get a little shock rather than crawl down from the attic, go all the way down to the basement, turn off the breaker, go all the way back up the stairs, crawl back into the attic only to discover that I turned off the wrong breaker.
The light in the shower turned out to be an essential item. It's pretty dark in there without the light. I have left a opening on the end by the windows to allow some natural light into the shower but it is nowhere near enough. I will of course, be closing it in with glass.
It does appear that my camera is toast. I thought that perhaps I was having a problem with my battery charging properly. But I re-charged it and that didn't make the camera come on. I tried brand new Energizer batteries and that didn't make the camera come on.
This is particularly distressing to me as I really need my camera. We are going on a trip soon and I need to be able to record the event in pictures. I would hate to have to resort to my 35mm camera. It's not that I mind the camera. I have a great old Canon SLR. I mind missing the instant gratification that comes with the digital age. Plus the savings from the film processor.
I would also like to add that the furnace is still off. It's getting chillier in the morning but we are making due with area heaters. So we are now five days past last years record...and counting!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Done Deck Deal

If you go back and look at my post from June 18th, you can see what we started with and how much we have done to get it to this point. That's the main reason I started blogging. Now I have a place to keep a record of stuff we do and when we do it.

Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Busy Weekend of Many Activities
I did preform a winterizing chore today. I removed the air conditioner from the window in the Master Bedroom. I used it one night last week but didn't really have to. Before that, it had been weeks since we had used it.
We are closing in on being finished with painting the deck. Susan did some work today and I did a little work this evening after returning home from working at the bar. Tomorrow, I hope to wrap the whole project up. Plus, we'll be working on the bathroom.
Finally, I have one project remaining to preform before I can power up the furnace. I have to cap off those pipes that used to go to the upstairs bathroom radiator.
I decided I would feel much better if the pipes were capped off in the basement where there is access to them, rather than under the bathroom floor were there is none. The pipes are cut but I have some issues with removing the elbow joints so I can use existing threading to cap the pipes. The issues involve not being able to remove the elbow joints. They are screwed down very solidly. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by pipes that are still solidly connected after 98 years.
If I am unable to remove those joints, I have to use this semi-funky system of PVC connections that will cap off the pipe but look like they have tremendous potential to not seal properly.
I guess I'll have to see what I end up with and then I can provide pictures which will describe it better than I have here.
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Return of the Heating Game
No, this year the difference is a network of regionalized space heaters that will allow us to heat just the areas we occupy rather than the whole 2,800 square feet of the house. We are hoping that this will substantially drop the gas portion of our heating bill, which can go as high as $300.00 in December or January.
I should add that it got down to 36.4 degrees at 3.41AM. Also, I had to turn on the heat in my car on the drive to work this morning.
Moving on now to Spokane Interstate Fair News, Susan and I can now claim that the wine
coming out of the Waverly Place Winery are "Award Winning Wines".
I was totally amazed to walk into the Beer & Wine Booths at the fair yesterday to discover that both our entries had won Third Place Ribbons.

It is the first time we have entered beer and/or wine in the fair so I was not expecting anything. Especially since I was not thrilled with my beer and the wine is just barely in the bottle.
However, I must assume that all the Judges are Professional Wine Drinkers and their decisions must be respected.

Oh, by the way, we have not finished painting.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
The Terrible Conflict
Susan was not able to finish today. She came close but there is still about two hours of painting to complete the job. Well, it's not getting done by me tonight.
And yet, I feel guilty and conflicted that I should be doing some painting out there.
I think instead, I will do some work on the bathroom. I don't need the sunlight to accomplish that and it will salve my guilt.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Painting goes On and On and On and On and...
It really is a tedious job. Getting paint into all the nooks and cranny's of a railing is drudgery at its finest. Add to that all the arbors up above, and there is a lot to paint.
In the meantime, we haven't done ANYTHING to the bathroom this week. I am going to try and get the radiator pipes capped off tonight. If that goes smoothly and there are no leaks, then I can finish the sub-floor. Then we can get to work on the shower and then the tiling which will hopefully then be followed by the end of waking up in the middle of the night and going allllllll the waaaaay downstairs to use the toilet.
We will be going to the fair on Sunday so stand by for pictures and results of our entries into the Beer and Wine Judging.
Finally, I would like to add that my Weather Machine is now fully operational. I had to wait for a mounting shelf for the rain gauge. It came the other day and I finally got it installed on my Weather Machine Mast last night.
I have been poking around the Internet for like-minded Weather Junkies such as myself. I am gratified to discover that I only have a minor Weather Fetish as compared to others. There is a whole network of people who have Weather Machines like mine that are perpetually connected to their computer and delivering their local Weather Machine info to anyone who wants (or needs) it via the World Wide Web.
In fact, thanks to this kind of information, I can tell you that it is currently 76 degrees out and the wind is out of the South Southwest at 1mph. Furthermore, the Humidy is at 25%, the Dew Point is at 38 degreesand the Barometer is at 29.88 inches and steady.
That's the News and Weather together from RadioBlog KSJB. Film at Eleven!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
On Schedule to be Late!
But I got out of bed about 8:00 and started doing stuff to get ready for the day, and the soreness kind of went away. Besides, I'm not one to complain. (10.5 on the Sarcasometer)
We did okay today even though we are light years away from completing this project by tomorrow. I don't really care. It was a nice day to be outside, we were working on the house and we were progressing towards the completion of a worthy goal. Besides, the only real issue with getting the painting done is whether or not it is going to rain. By tomorrow, that won't be an issue for us because we will have painted all the critical areas that might be setback if it rained.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
The Great Under-Estimater
Tonight, we are riding our bikes downtown to enjoy "Pigout in the Park". There are a bunch of restaurants with booths set up in the park as well as a multitude of Bands to listen to and many Perveyors of Assorted Crap.
Friday, August 31, 2007
End of Summer
We will not be working on the bathroom. We will be painting the deck. It needs it BAD! We bought the paint the other day and now we are ready to rock. There will be some scraping and some sanding but for the most part, we will be ready to roll in the morning and I expect to have it complete by Sunday.
There are lots of events we want to take in this weekend as well as completing some work on the house. There is "Pigout in the Park" downtown and the annual Labra Dor Concert in Comstock Park on Monday. Aside from those events, there will be sleeping in for three days in a row. That will be great!
Last night the Unit was saying it was going to rain. The forecasts on TV were talking about scattered storms with lightning but they did not really say much about rain. I told Susan about the impending rainfall and she wasn't very impressed with the accuracy of my new toy. She was singing a different tune this morning when she got up and saw it had indeed rained.
I'll be looking forward to all the information I'll be getting. I think maybe I should start a low wattage Corbin Park Radio Station where I can broadcast all the local news AND weather. Radio Station KCP, or KWAV, or KBRK, or KSJB. I always liked KRAP for call letters.