Back on June 18th, I wrote about power washing the deck and this wayward spacey guy named Brian who came by the house looking for odd jobs to earn a little money.
Today he showed up with his Fiance. They had just been evicted from their apartment up in Mead. He went through a lengthy soliloquy about their hard luck times. It essentially all came down to the fact that they hadn't paid their rent.
He initially showed up while I was on a dump run and Susan was raking in the yard. She told him he would have to wait for me to return. I saw him as I drove up the street and started wondering what was up. Susan told me he was looking for work and we decided we could have them rake a little. We would throw him some money and perhaps a bowl of Chili. We had a whole bunch left over from Halloween.
Anyway, Susan and I where busy loading leaves and we put Brian and the fiance to work in the backyard with a leaf blower and a couple of beers. The fiance didn't seemed very inclined to work and let Brian do everything.
We got the truck loaded and I had to get to the dump as it was approaching Closing time. I didn't want to leave Susan with Brian and the fiance still there. So, I told him I had to get going and he had done enough. I gave him $15.00 and two beers for about 45 minutes worth of leaf blowing...and a little raking.
So what have we learned here today? That I am a soft touch!
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