Thursday, May 31, 2007
5,000 Words Lost Forever
Actually, we didn't make that much progress last night. In order to complete this project in a timely manner, we are now on a schedule. Also, we really want this to be done and getting to this point, it's exciting to realize we are almost home.
I am hoping to have the first coat of Polyeurothane on the floor by Sunday night. In order for that to happen, a tightly choreographed series of events must take place at just the right time.
Last night, I did some minor repairs to a couple places on the floor. Susan did some touch up painting. We also decided that if we are going to put up Crown Moulding in the Landing area, it would be best to do it now while the floor is still un-stained. So, I painted the Crown Moulding out on the front porch and brought it in this morning. I'm having Phil install it this afternoon.
I'm renting the sander on my way home from work tonight and will do the final sanding. Then we have to get everything cleaned back up and ready for the staining.
This would have been so much better with pictures.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Filling the Gorges

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Of course, we're not done yet. We still have a few supplies to buy. But let's take a look at what we did!
I would say we done good! The floors are not perfect. You can see in the after picture that section on the left that looks substantially different the the rest of the floor. That's the area I had to patch because it used to be a closet. The wood I used has a different grain to it and there is just no getting around the fact that it will not be a close match.
However, we plan to use a fairly dark stain which will help to hide the difference as well as all the other imperfections in the old wood floor.
The main thing is that we have gotten it done. Here's a good before and after shot of the crew,
Monday, May 28, 2007
Knee Deep in Sanding
We ended up returning the sander almost immediately because we couldn't get it to start. It had a short or something in the electrical system. When we got it back to the Depot, it ran fine. The guy suggested that it might be a power problem on my end. I told him I had new wiring with 20 amp breakers which he agreed should be okay.
We swapped out sanders, he re-set the time, and we were off again. This time, the sander operated within normal operational sanding protocols.
So, our early start and subsequent stalls had me sanding the floors by 1:00PM.
We realized almost immediately that we would have to put down some stripper first to get the best result.
Susan dashed to the Depot while Mark and I continued working.
As of today, the bedroom is entirely stripped and ready for sanding. We are all very sore. Susan and Mark will continue stripping the remaining portion of the floors while I rip into the sander.
We hope to have everything sanded by the end of the day.
Well, enough of this blogging. I have work to do.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Countdown to Sanding
As of now, Saturday morning, we are planning on sanding the floors tomorrow. We are going to spend the day completing little touch up projects we need to do before the sand starts flying. I will get the sander this afternoon and we will be ready first thing in the morning.
We still have a lot of nails and staples to get out of the floor. Everytime I think I have gotten them all, I find more. When they carpeted up here, they didn't waste any expense on nails and staples. That carpet was NOT going to get away.
I am getting very excited for this to be over. I can't wait to see this floor with a fresh coat of stain and varnish. I think it will completely change the look of the whole room.
And then Susan won't like the color of the walls.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Painting Painting Painting

Not that I'm counting. No, wait! I am counting. That's why I'm writing this blog. To count and account of wazzup!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Painting Change Order

Once she realized that it was now too yellow, we decided that we will buy a new bucket and start over. That's much cheaper than having her agonize over the color being wrong for the next several months until she decides to change it.
So, we went to work putting up Cincinnatian Hotel Dominica, which is a much lighter, mellower yellow, as you can see in the picture above.
Last night, I had to do some of the edging in the stairway. That requires getting waaaaay up high on the ladder in very precarious positions. I got all my edges painted when Susan realized that I had grabbed the wrong paint. She had poured a small container of the Way-Too-Yellow paint and I thought it was all the new paint.
I thought it was going down kind of dark but I just figured it would match up when it dried.
The Comedy of Errors continues.
Friday, May 18, 2007
A Friday in May
I have already gotten up and got in a two mile run around the park. In a moment, I shall shower and then begin the day in earnest.
We shall start with a series of pictures of the landing.
The picture at bottom is what we accomplished last night. It looks like it is going to need at least one other coat, but it looks pretty good.
Okay on to the next task.
5:32PM I managed to make three trips out to the dump today. While I am happy with the amount of crap I hauled away, I still have a ton of crap to remove. And I think a ton is an actual factual amount. I have a lot of clean up work yet to do with this little area at the back corner of our property. It seems the previous owner has used it to dump leaves and grass clippings for a loooooooong time. As a result, there is a very nice composted mulch back there that is littered with chestnuts from the yard. It's going to take me a while to get it all out of there.
Once again, I have bitten into a project that is a LOT more to chew than originally anticipated.
I think I'll go make some beer.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Another Task Crossed Off the List

Now we have to get up some crown molding to hide the wavy edges and we are finished with the bedroom...except for the floor.
The only other major task to complete now is painting the walls in the landing.
In other project developments, we started some work on the deck. We had a wheelchair ramp attached to the deck when we moved in. It has been great to have when it came to moving large, unweildy appliances and/or furnitures into the house.
But it takes up a three foot swath of lawn space in an already small backyard.

Friday, May 11, 2007
Half Way to Hell
We achieved our goal of three panels in place last night but it was not fun. For some reason, we had a hell of a time getting the first panel lined up properly. By the time we got it up, my arms felt like lead weights.
But, we are half way across the room now and plan to finish up on Sunday.
In an unrelated developement, I shut down the furnace yesterday. Next I will drain the radiators and begin the process of removing the last two upstairs so they can be painted.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Purchases & Progress

That remains to be seen.
Tuesday we started wall-papering the ceiling in the Master Bedroom. We managed to put up two panels of paper. Considering the amount of time it takes to get everything in place just so you can do the work, and then the Comedy of Errors in figuring out what you're doing on the first panel, completing two panels is great progress.

STAND BACK! Something momentous is about to happen.
I am setting a goal!
The Landing and Bedroom project (which extends to the stairway project) will be completed by Wednesday, June 20th. That is five weeks and 6 days away.
The Word for the Day is atribilious. Ill-tempered, grumpy, melancholy.