Friday, May 11, 2007

Half Way to Hell

Wallpapering a ceiling is no picnic. I think it would be the perfect torture treatment for Enemy Combatants. You put them in a room with a 13 foot ceiling, that's textured, and about 120 feet square. I think by the time they got the first panel up, they would want to start talking.

We achieved our goal of three panels in place last night but it was not fun. For some reason, we had a hell of a time getting the first panel lined up properly. By the time we got it up, my arms felt like lead weights.

But, we are half way across the room now and plan to finish up on Sunday.

In an unrelated developement, I shut down the furnace yesterday. Next I will drain the radiators and begin the process of removing the last two upstairs so they can be painted.

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