Friday, my niece Samantha graduated from High School. She attended a small Christian Academy and there were se7en graduates. The whole family went to dinner and then the two and a half hour graduation ceremony. It was a little long.
We got home around ten and that pretty much was the end of the day for us.
Saturday was our annual neighborhood yard sale. This was the third one that we took part in and it was pretty successful for us. We made just south of $100.00 and got rid of a lot of crap.
What we had left over went to Goodwill on Sunday Morning and what they wouldn't take went to the Dump.
Then Susan went into "Operation: Massive Cleaning" in preparation for a visit from her sister, who is coming for a week from Iowa.
To keep out of her way, I went to work on the Landing and Bedroom doing all the little finishing touches. I wanted to be sleeping in our new bedroom on Sunday night and

There were lots of things that tried to deter me. I was four feet short of baseboard for the bedroom. I ran out of nails for my airgun in the middle of putting in the baseboards. I ran out of beer. However, you can see from the pictures that I prevailed.

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