That is not to say that I have nothing to report. I feel compelled to report.
We are making great progress in the bathroom. The shower is on the threshold of being near the point where it is conceivable that in the near future it will almost entirely, but not quite be finished.
We are making steady progress on scraping the paint off the window sills and trim. Susan is doing a much better job on her scraping than I am. She will have lots of wood putty repair to fill my many small gouges.
I am amazed at how many layers of paint we are removing. On some pieces, much of the trim detail is lost beneath the many thick layers of paint. I sure hope the next people who come along and remodel this house will appreciate the time we have taken to make things easier for them.
I leave you now with some Shower Eye Candy. If you have spent any time at all reading these entries, you know that I am a Fiendish Old Maniacal Gooseberry when it comes to Before and After pictures. So I give you a retrospective of the shower from July 2007 to Today 2008.

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