This Blog is dedicated to the Home Remodeling Project of Stan & Susan Burke. Here we will chronicle our on-going projects as we move toward our goal of finishing some day. Hopefully before we die. If this blog ends suddenly, you'll know we failed!
Susan got started on the bathroom yesterday but didn't get very far. The work she did today involved removing one of the pieces she placed yesterday. She's a real perfectionist when it comes to this kind of stuff. If she doesn't get it right, she'll be looking it at for the rest of her life, or until she fixes it. It's still too early to get a good feeling of how it will look but I think it's going to look great.
I was unable to do much of anything today. I started feeling a little scratchy throat yesterday and I didn't feel all that great at the Football. I woke up this morning about the same. Not terrible, but I knew I had better take it easy and try and beat this cold early. The way I'm feeling now, I will probably work only half a day tomorrow. I'll go in and figure out the hot spots and put out those fires and then come home and stoke my fire.
I discovered the wonder and magic of the Netty Pot today. It's a thing to give your sinuses a bath. It feels kind of weird at first. It's sort of reminiscent of the feeling you get when you snort in a bunch of water in a swimming pool but it really works and I could really breath after I used it. In fact, it's been a while since I used it and I think I could use another, Thank you!