Susan and I went to a Spokane Indians Baseball Game last night to celebrate our Se7enth Meetiversary. Yup! Se7en years ago I met her at an Indians Game. Actually, se7en years ago, I re-met her at an Indians Game. We had met many years earlier when we both worked at the same sign shop.

So we donned our ballcaps and went to the stadium to take in some baseball. As it turned out, we watched losing baseball as the Division Leading Indians decided not to show up.
We have another construction project going on. This one is a re-engineering project involving our deck and the new eve extension we added last year. We didn't contemplate the rain water run off issue very well and the poor engineering caused the boards up there to absorb water through very small cracks and damage the soffit from the inside.

The boards we removed in the picture above were badly damaged by the runoff soaking into them. We thought we had painted them well enough to seal them but that apparently was not the case. We are going to extend the shingles just a smidgen so as to allow the water to cascade off the roof and onto the deck rather than wrap around the edge of the soffit.
Stay tuned as more exciting remodeling project are right around the corner.
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