Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Weekend Wrap Up
Since Wednesday it has been bright clear sunny skies and chilly temperatures. It was up to 30 degrees today and I took the opportunity to drain the hot tub and clean it a bit. That was long over due because I haven't been doing a very good job of maintaining it.
We slept until 10AM on Christmas morning and really took the morning easy. We had a nice time opening presents. I got everything I wanted except World Peace.
As much as we lolled about, it still seems like we were running around quite a bit. We ran to Christmas service at St John's Cathedral, we ran to the Christmas Eve Jensen dinner, we ran to my sister's for an open house affair on Christmas day, and we ran around trying to get stuff accomplished today before we went to a Christmas Party thrown by the catering company Susan works for.
On top of all that, Susan spent a good deal of her Saturday taking flyer's around to Pawn shops in town. Time will only tell if that pays off in recovering our stolen property and finding the little shits that are responsible. Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Odd Christmas Joy
The next night, we could not get the lights to a garland across an arch to light. They worked the night before when we unplugged it. Now, nuthin!!
Last night, half the lights to Susan's little village would not come on. They worked the night before other thing. Someone broke into the house.
Susan and I pulled into the driveway at almost the same time, something that never happens. I walked up to the back door and noticed it was slightly ajar. We walked into the house cautiously and began to survey the damage.
Most of our Christmas Gifts under the tree had been opened and some were missing. As we went into every room, we discovered ransacked drawers, cupboards, and closets. They took mostly small stuff. A nice Boze Clock Radio, some jars of change (probably about $60 -$80), a crappy old laptop computer, and they drank some Southern Comfort. They got some nice old jewelry that belonged to my Grandmother and a very nice old pocket watch that my Dad got from his dad. Also, all my heart medication. Have fun getting high on that.
After the shock and anger of the violation, we came to realize we were pretty lucky. Nobody got hurt and while they got some good stuff, it could have been much worse. The damage to the back door was minimal, a testament to how easy it was for the Low Life Parasitic Bastards to get in. I'll be working on that this weekend.
One thing that made us laugh was one of the missing Christmas presents. Susan called her sister to describe what was missing and was told that there was a very large box for some kind of computer. Her sister had used the box to send Susan a skillet. Have fun with your new computer, you tweaking little Assholes.
I'll probably still be discovering missing stuff for some time to come. For example, I got in the shower this morning and discovered my razor was missing. They took my Mach3 razor handle. Add another $5.00 to the damage total.
Fortunately, I believe in Karma. This will come back to haunt the perpetrators and even though I'll never know it when it happens, I still get satisfaction from that.
And so to all the Low Life, Parasitic, Blood Sucking, Freeloading, Sponge Lizard out there...have a nice Christmas. Santa has his eye on you and you will get what you deserve in the long run. To everyone else, may the blessings of God's great gift be fully realized in your life.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tile Done Deal

I don't know yet the extent of the damage but I took this picture of the place as viewed from the freeway.The big red glow in the center of the picture is all the fire trucks flashing lights up at Arbor Crest. I really should have taken the time to go get a good picture, but we'll have to settle for this.
I also heard there had been some shots fired at a Police car during a traffic stop. The radio story said there was a lot of PoliceActivity in the area of Monroe and Cora. I laid there a bit before realizing that I am in the area of Monroe and Cora.
When I got up, the was a Sheriff's car parked on the corner with lights flashing. I saw another across the park and another further down the block.
The story as of now is that the Police pulled a suspected stolen car over and an occupant of the car fired at and hit the Police car. Then they sped off into the neighborhood and abandoned the car. There is an on-going search.
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Winter's Arrival

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Happy Solstice
There was a gentle rain often passing into a light mist all day yesterday but the temperature was approaching the 40s. It was very moist out. The Solstice Party was well attended and the food was spectacular as always. We extend many thanks to those who brought food. We had deviled eggs, meat balls, elk balls, cheeses, dips and cookies. There was home made beer and of course, shots of Jagermeister and Peppermint Schnapps from ice shot glasses.
We got most of the clean up accomplished last night and got to bed before one. It's no wonder we continue to have this party every year.
Friday, December 18, 2009
One Day to Solstice Party

I really need to do something about that moss.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sloppy Sloppiness in SlopTown
Susan is starting to feel under the weather. This is bad because she already feels enough stress. Illness will not keep her down until it is killing her. She needs to take a break and relax but that will only add more stress. It's a vicious cycle. The more stressed she gets, the more she needs to relax. If she relaxes, she'll feel more stress.
I'm trying to help but I am useless when it comes to decorating the house. I don't know what goes where. If I attempt to put what where, I will more than likely be wrong. However, certain stressed people may have to accept that.
And that adds to the stress.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ten Days to Go
It felt great to get out there again with the big green snow machine. It was a little resistant to starting. I must admit that I haven't treated it well since last season. I just drained the gas tank and let it sit all summer.
Anyway, the Snow Blower was hesitant to start but I coaxed it along and it finally fired up and ran like a champ. I need to get it some oil which I will do tonight.
Once again, I covered the neighborhood. I do it partly because of the Spider-Man credo which says that with Great Power comes Great Responsibility. The Snow Blower is Great Power. And
I do not take the responsibility lightly.
The other reason I do it is because I shove a lot of snow into the yard of my neighbor across the alley. Doing his walk is a peace offering.

Monday, December 14, 2009
Little Bastard Free For All
It's amazing how much something like that will drain you over the course of a couple of weeks. Of course, we are no spring chickens and I am even less springy and more chickeny than Susan.
But it is finished now and all we have to do is go around and fix the endless vandalism that is occurring everywhere because little bastards feel the need to express themselves. I have taken a jar of paint down to the people who organized this and they have people that will go around and touch things up.
We now have to concentrate on the up coming Solstice Party, set for this Saturday Night. We have some cleaning to do and some decorating to do.
Last night was the Corbin Park Carriage Ride. It was successful but not as well attended as in the past. That might be because of a neighbor who recently moved away. They always had a big party on that night and invited a ton of their friends. It kind of clogged up the ride.
Okay, off the roast chestnuts or decorate cookies or some holiday tradition. Tah!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Last night, we were painting in a skywalk that slowly cooled as the night went on. Actually, it cooled pretty fast. It got to a point where I couldn't smooth out and roller my painted image before the paint froze. I would have taken a picture but it was too cold.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Marathon Painting Day Two
My calculations indicate that Susan and I each earned $34.00 per hour this weekend. The house remodeling budget will appreciate that even though it doesn't feel very impressive to me. But then, I think about people who aren't earning any money per hour right now and I feel much luckier.
This would not be a good time of year to be homeless in Spokaloo.
As I write this entry at 6:30AM on Monday morning, the temperature is ten (10) {dix} degrees outside. I am through talking to anyone about Global Warming.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Marathon Paint Day One
I don't feel too terribly bad. I am a little bit sore but surprisingly chipper. I expected to feel worse. We are going to try for three skywalks tomorrow. We need to be down there at 9AM. I should feel like total crap by this time tomorrow.
I must say that even though we are under the gun to get these skywalks painted, it's not like anyone is breathing down our backs. The pressure t0 get them done in coming from us. I mean, it's the holiday season and we have shit to do.
I did find myself enjoying the painting today. I'm talking about the actual process of standing there with brush in hand and just being creative...even if I'm being creative on a template. I have to remember that this can be fun. There is no rason I shouldn't be enjoying myself.
The major problem we had today was that the second skywalk we worked in was unheated. We might as well have been painting outside. That is until I went outside and felt how really cold it was out there. They say it will be cold tonight. The temperature right now at 11:21PM is 26 degrees. The forecasters are calling for it to drop to 10 or 12 degrees tonight.
I hope we have heated skywalks tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
One Third of the Way to the Finish Line
We finished the City Hall Skywalk that we started on Monday night. I was planning on continuing to another venue and Susan kind of intimated that we should call it a night. Ever the Lazy Slob, I wasted no time in backing up the bags and getting the hell outta thar.
Tonight we painted in a skywalk that is not quite as long as the others and the time went pleasantly swift. We will do another shorty tomorrow and then take Friday off due to Susan having to work a hockey game and Tile Master Ron visiting to complete his task of two weeks ago.
We will be back to painting mode this weekend and a marathon event it will be. We will be attempting to complete two skywalks on Saturday and two more on Sundurday. Our progress will of course be related here with much unneccessary and flowery wordery...a veritable assault on the Kings English.
In the meantime, here is a cool picture I took tonight of the front of the house with a bitchin' full moon on the rise.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009
No Time to Blog
We are in Skywalk Painting Mode and it looks like we will remain in that mode for at least another week. That also means that we will be in Grumpy Mode for at least another week. Susan and I aren't taking it out on each other but we're trying very hard to be in good humor.
The task of working all day and then painting into the evening is already taking its toll on us...well, at least me! And it's only Tuesday!
As of today, we have three skywalks completed and se7en to go. The possibility exists that a couple more will be added. I assuage my consternation (Captain Thesaurus) by remembering to keep my eye on the prize...namely; all the remodeling money that will be coming our way.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Eve
This is just the start of many more days and nights of painting to come.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tile Conundrum
Perhaps I should explain.
My friend and fraternity brother Brian has become interested in home brewing because he has tasted my home brew and thereby been sucked into the brewing brotherhood. And while he has made the effort to buy some introductory equipment into the endeavor, he has not yet brewed.
Brian has planned a festive holiday party for the early part of the festive holiday season to be held at his festive holiday home located in the festive Glenrose region of the Spok-Anal Area. I offered to make a keg of beer for his festive gathering. He wanted to break his Brewing Cherry on my dime so I invited him over to observe the festive brewing process.
While here, he commented on my entry way tile project and how festively fabulous it was. Then came the issue of the transition into the TV room. I was planning on placing tile there. Tile Master Ron was planning on placing tile there. Susan said that she thought there should be wood in that spot rather than tile. I said, "Oh Susan. Poor poor little Susan. How can you be so misguided?!"
But tonight, Brian said, "You don't want tile there. If you are in the TV Room, with the door closed, you would see tile. You want to see wood until it transitions under the door."
I should say at this point that Brian is an ASSHOLE! Oh sure, he may be a correct asshole...but an asshole nonetheless.
Why is Brian an asshole? Because now, thanks to his un-invited critique, Susan is doing the victory dance around the tile and I have no choice but to admit defeat. WHY?! Because I was wrong!
If you will note in the picture above, the red dotted line indicates where the door will be when it is closed. It is clear to me now that the area from the wood to the tile should be filled with wood...not tile. It took an outsider to point this out to me.
Now here is the important point to get from this. "Always listen to your wife!"
Here is an alternate, less emasculating way to look at it. People need to come through your house and look at your projects and give their opinions. Nine hundred and ninety-nine times out of fifty their opinions will suck. But occasionally, a Brian (Asshole) will come through and hurt your short term pride in order to save you from a lifetime of humiliation.
I can clearly see now that Brian (and Susan) was correct. Fortunately, I have not written this down anywhere will people will find out about it.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Snow Day

Lazy day around the ranch today. I'm sitting here at the keyboard and Susan is scraping the stairs...trying to remove some of the stain so we can get that stalled project under way again. Perhaps I should go help. I think it's helpful to sit here and write about it.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tile and Beer
You may recall that I grew a couple of hops vines over the past summer. One of the dangers of growing hops is having to harvest hops and then do something with your harvest. Yesterday we did something.

We are about to hit our busy season. Painting skywalks, working on the house, and our general partying schedule will keep us very busy.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
So Close and yet...

It goes without saying (and yet, I'm going to say it) that Susan and I are thrilled. It really looks good. The colors are just right and it looks like it belongs there. It makes you want to come in and do something elegant...have a snifter of cognac, talk down to the servants and chat about the opera.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lame Snowfall Report
I did notice some whiteness on the south hill as I drove to the bar this morning. There was also some snow on the hills above the valley. A couple of hundred feet makes a big difference.
I worked at the bar today and now I have to get ready to work some benefit thing that I agreed to do with my friend, Mark. I really shouldn't have agreed to do this because after I bar tend for eight hours, my body starts to freeze up and doesn't want to do any more work. All I'm doing is pouring wine so it shouldn't be too bad. Still, I would much prefer to sit here in the house and pour wine...for ME.
I'm getting excited because tomorrow is tile day. Ron is coming at tenish and he fully expects to have the project done by the end of the day. I will of course, have extensive photographic and wordal evidence here.

I really like this picture. You can see heat vapors rising out of the flames. It gives you an indication of how cold it was. In short, a delightful night by the Stump.
Friday, November 13, 2009
First Snow Fall
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mo' Leveler

I have picked up the tile and it is in our possession. I have spoken with Tile Master Ron concerning his availability for Sunday and he has confirmed his availability-ness. We will be making a tile entry this weekend. That is a definite possible maybe!
Monday, November 09, 2009
Trip to the Dump
Again, at least 100 pounds of water was dumped. Total cost for dumping all my leaves this weekend: $16.85. That does not include the gas for Rob's truck or the cost of hosing it out and returning it to it's pristine state. That's my job at lunch.
Above is a nice shot of my pickup load of wet leaves at the dump this morning.
I hope I get to pick up my tile today. I will find out shortly. It's only 30 tiles so it won't be any big deal to get it...providing it has arrived.
I found some interesting damage to the hardwood floor right in front of the stairway. There is an end piece of wood that chipped off it's plank. The end piece adjacent to it also has a big chip that flicked off. The wood underneath the chip is dirty looking which leads me to believe this is old damage.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Rainy Sunday
That severely interfered with our plans for yard leaf removal. We were hoping the rain would hold off until late in the day. Nonetheless, we went forth with our plans and were successful in the effort. I made a trip to the dump with a heavily laden pickup truck and I have another load ready to go for the morning on my way to work.
I have wondered this before and will do it again, I'm sure. How much of my dump fee went to pay for water that was in my leaves? The city makes a nice little sum of money on rainy days, I suspect.
The yard is nice and clean and most of the leaves are out of the trees so I think we are done with leaves for the season. I do have a side yard that we didn't get to but the leaves are mostly in what passes for our flower beds so I'm not going to worry too much.
Bring on the Snow! We be ready!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Shoppers make last minute dash for Halloween costumes
Halloween Hang Over

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
One Day Until Halloween

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Three Days Until Halloween

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Crap Load O'Lantern

We are pretty pleased with our efforts so far. We have four more to carve tonight. That will give us 14 real pumpkins on top of the 18 artificial pumpkins we have. That should lead to a well regulated throng of pumpkins.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Six Days to Halloween

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Punkin Party Time
Now Halloween is approaching (Se7en Days away) and we probably won't install the tile until after that holiday is in the rear view. I don't want to have a whole bunch of traffic on the new tile right after its installation.
Tonight is our annual Pumpkin Carving Party. I really don't have time to sit here and make this entry. I should be doing something else to get ready for the party. So don't tell Susan I'm up here typing away.
Oh wow! I just looked at the time and it's less than an hour before people start arriving. I guess I better get going. I'll have all the exciting party info tomorrow.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Getting Ready for Tile