We finished the City Hall Skywalk that we started on Monday night. I was planning on continuing to another venue and Susan kind of intimated that we should call it a night. Ever the Lazy Slob, I wasted no time in backing up the bags and getting the hell outta thar.
Tonight we painted in a skywalk that is not quite as long as the others and the time went pleasantly swift. We will do another shorty tomorrow and then take Friday off due to Susan having to work a hockey game and Tile Master Ron visiting to complete his task of two weeks ago.
We will be back to painting mode this weekend and a marathon event it will be. We will be attempting to complete two skywalks on Saturday and two more on Sundurday. Our progress will of course be related here with much unneccessary and flowery wordery...a veritable assault on the Kings English.
In the meantime, here is a cool picture I took tonight of the front of the house with a bitchin' full moon on the rise.

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