This one squirrel had managed to chew his way into the inside of the balcony. He was assisted by me, who removed a couple of shingles last fall and then forgot to replace them. I noticed him earlier this week when I was outside the front of the house surveying my tremendous crop of moss. You can see both the moss and the squirrel hole in the picture above.
Anyway, I was observing the moss and considering a plan of action that would not blow up the house. I noticed this squirrel scurrying down the roof and then slipping into the side of the balcony. Moss was no longer my main concern.
So I got up on the balcony and scrambled out onto the roof and the corner of the balcony structure and peered in the squirrel hole.
I was actually happy to see that he had made his home so close to the opening. Once inside there, the squirrel would have access to the whole roof section above the front porch.
I tried using this personal alarm I have to scare him out but he wouldn't move. Then I remembered the anti-varmint pepper spray. I couple of squirts into the hole and he was outta thar.
I was ready with more siding to nail into place. I then heavily coated the whole area with the spray to discourage any more chewing.
I went out this morning to check things out. The patch is still in place.
I deposited an extra generous pile of peanuts near the tree.
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