Yesterday, Susan and I attended the opening day of the Iowa State Fair, the best State Fair. (Don't miss it, don't even be late) We were joined by our fair hostess, Margaret, who is Susan's sister. Also joining us was her cousins, Louise and Irene.
It was a hot muggy day, just perfect for walking around for hours upon hours upon still more hours. I ran out of gas about 5:00 but we stayed until 10. I'm not one to complain so nobody knew about the throbbing, burning ache in my knee. I just sucked it up and heavily medicated myself with beer. That might be the other reason I ran out of gas at five.
Anyway, the Iowa State Fair is quite a spectacle. Immediately upon arrival shortly after nine, I set out on my goal to eat every kind of food available at the fair the was followed by the words "on a Stick".
We started with a Corn Dog or "Hot Dog on a Stick".

Then I had "Cheese in a Stick". This tasted light a grilled cheese sandwich. It tasted like it was made with the Cheese of the Gods, also known as Velveeta.

While wondering through the Ag Building, I found "Egg on a Stick". This was a special bonus "On a Stick" food because it was free.

The best "On A Stick" food was "Pork Chop on a Stick". It was slowly bar-b-qued in a large rotisserie cooker. Absolutely Fabulous!!!

For dessert, "Ice Cream on a Stick". I had to fight Susan off for this one. The beauty of this "On a Stick" food was it was a Winning Prise for coming closets to guessing when Louise would arrive.

The next day, I discovered I had pretty much covered all the "On A Stick" food. All that was left was "Chicken on a Stick".

This was the only "On A Stick" food I didn't eat.

We found a place were they had "Salad on a Stick" but that seemed too nutritious.
I have since learned that I missed "Deep Fried Bacon on a Stick" and Deep Fried Twinky on a Stick". I guess we will have to go back.
We start our return trip home tomorrow and are planning on a three day journey. I hope we can get in eight hours tomorrow and maybe twelve on Sunday. That will give us an easy sixish hour drive home on Monday.