Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Return from Iowa

We have made the trip back from Iowa and now have to face the reality of our non-vacation lives. Yup, it's back to work for Susan and I. On top of that, we have a mound of mail and some heavily neglected cats to attend to.

But lets talk about our trip home. We left Des Moines Saturday morning pulling a 4' x 8' U-Haul Trailer. We had some furniture and paintings and assorted do-dads from the Sue-Dad.

We made a stop at the Kipping Farm in Redfield to say so long to Susan's cousins. We sipped some smoothies and got on the road about 1:00PM.

Our goal for the day was to make Cheyenne, Wyoming. We fell short by a couple hours. We spent the night in Sidney, Nebraska and that was fine by us. We put in an eight hour day on the road. The weather sucked and we were ready for a rest.
A good deal of our drive over all three days looked like this.
Although, some of it looked like this.
We awoke on Sunday morning with the quest of Yellowstone Park. It took us all day thanks to road construction (this will be a great country if we ever finish it) and long and windy roads. We reached over 9,000 feet at one point, and that's not good for your gas mileage when you're pulling a trailer.

When we arrived at the Old Faithful Inn, it was after 7PM and we were pretty beat. We checked in, had some dinner, went to bed. We know how to party. Here ar some pictures of the incredible Od Faithful Inn.
We managed to crawl out of bed at an early hour and get our day started. We saw Old Faceful and you can too thanks to the magic of video.

We drove into the driveway about 7PM last night. We did some preliminary un-packing and loved on the kitties who missed us terribly...or maybe not at all. Hard to tell with them.

Anyway, we are home and pleased to be back. I'm off now to fold laundry.

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