Okay, I've been away for a while. It's not that I have nothing to say. I have tooooooo much to say. Let's start with Wine!
The Wine we entered in the fair did very well. Beyond my expectations, really.

Our Syrah won Second Place and the label I made won a Blue Ribbon with a Judge's Special Distinction Ribbon. I'm not sure what that means but what I
DO know is that the Blue Ribbon Susan won for her label on Ellen's Third Place Syrah did
NOT get a Judge's Special Distinction Ribbon. And so I'm pretty cocky about that! This is Susan's label.

Our Summer Solstice Piesporter received a Blue Ribbon with a Judge's Special Distinction Award. I was very surprised by that as our decision to enter that wine was an afterthought since we were entering the Syrah. The picture below is my Syrah Label. If it looks like I whipped it up in about ten minutes with a Sharpie, that's about right.

My experimentation into new brewing boundaries was not accepted by the "conventional wisdom" of the apparatchik. They clearly were not prepared for something as revolutionary in the brewing industry as PorterMeister, a dark rich porter with the lush licorice flavoring only a bottle of Jagermeister could provide. For my efforts, I received a Participation Ribbon. That's like getting a Gold Star for showing up to school on time.
We are awaiting the arrival of our mosaic tile pattern. It has been just over three weeks since ordering it and I expect it here in about a week or so. We are planning to start sanding the hardwood next weekend.
In the meantime, I am trying to get everything in order to get the gas turned back on. I am set up to run a pressure test on the line. I actually ran a preliminary pressurization today. It did not hold. There appears to be a leak at the meter. I have to call the people at Washington Water Power tomorrow and advise them of
their problem. I say that because if it's on the meter, it's
their problem.
That is all for now. I shall update as needed.....after the explosion.
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