The weather looked promising today for work on the inside and out. I wanted to get some more tree limbs cut down. I'm slowly chipping away at a tree in the backyard that I eventually want to remove. In the meantime, I have removed a few larger lower branches. This tree is so out of control with twisting, turning weaving branches that the first branch I cut today just hung there. So I went to work on the branch just below it that it was twisted around. They both hung there. So finally, I went after a much larger trunk portion and that finally made everything come down.
Then I set about the task of cutting up all the branches and removing them to a suitable staging area for later transfer to the dump.
I then set might wrath on a little tiny chunk of wood at the back of the yard. This chunk of wood was once an errant tree that grew into the chain link fence near the alley. After cutting away most of the tree, I have been working on removing this remaining stubborn section. I've used a chisel to break it up. I have used a large drill bit in hopes of cutting it up. I am now to fire.

This method would have worked great had I enough lighter fluid to keep the fire going. I didn't want to use gas because I don't want to be in the news under the "Stupid People" section.
Susan spent her day in the entry way (again) and is making excellent progress. Pictured below is Susan in her painting garb as she paints the inside of the front door.

Here is a better picture from the front porch of the light yellow she painted on the door. This matches the walls in the stairway and the upper portion of the walls in the entry.

I have been enlisted to help in a neighborhood project concerning the Corbin Park sign. It is located at the end of Washington Street as you head north to the park. It is a decal that
has been applied to the sign that was silk screened by a local company years ago. At the time, they had five of them made and this is the third one.

As you can see from the picture above, it has seen better days. It is time to remove the old and apply the new. I met with a guy named Mac who lives down the park. He has the new decal and we tried an experimental tool to remove the old decal. It's a drill attachment the will remove the old vinyl. It will work great for our purposes except that the cordless drill we were using is not powerful enough to do the job. We are going to have to arrange with one of the near by homes to borrow their electricity for a while. I
think a have enough extension cords to reach the sign...depending on the neighbor who gives us electrical permission.
I have to go now. I'm being called to stain some wood.
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