But I am married. And so we spent most of the whole damn weekend on projects, the main one consisting of decorating four skywalks downtown for the upcoming Hoopfest tourney.
While I am quite happy to sit back and do nuthin', I must say that there is a certain amount of pride and sense of accomplishment from going out and doing a moderately good job of painting windows.
Here are the pictures.

When it's really cold, the paint freeses on the glass. When it's really hot, it dries almost instantly. This is when it is important to concentrate on how much money we are making.
Among the many other activities of the weekend, held a yard sale on Saturday, earning a few sheckles and disposing of a lot of crap. We left that at noon to the capable hands of our friends Carine and Randy and went to a graduation picnic, left that after filling our gullets with sublime epicurian delights and headed downtown to watch a live broadcast of "A Prairie Home Companion" at the arena.
Now we are in the final week showdown to get the house ready for the Annual Summer Solstice Party on Saturday, June the 19th. This means that the tension will start building at 5PM tomorrow when we arrive home from work to begin to scouring process. The tension will continue throughout the week and ease about 7:48 PM Saturday when Susan has had her fifth glass of wine.

Afterwards we met some other friends who attended the show and had some drinks. And then we went back downtown to paint some more.
We were out for se7en hours today and got everything done...thus giving us our sense of accomplishment which allowed us to go out for dinner and spend some of our earnings. Before that however, Susan attempted to fix her little screw up at the top of the stairs. She laid down a coating of varnish and everything appears to be back to okie-dokie.

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