This Blog is dedicated to the Home Remodeling Project of Stan & Susan Burke. Here we will chronicle our on-going projects as we move toward our goal of finishing some day. Hopefully before we die. If this blog ends suddenly, you'll know we failed!
I just realized from the picture of the Accu-Stan 5000 Weather Centre that I haven't reset the clock to standard time. Wow! I just gained another hour in my life. Sweet!
Upon arriving home, I commenced to snow blowing. There was about 3 or 4 inches of snow on the ground this morning and a couple more added to that during the day. I did my regular routine of the driveway, half way down the alley and three quarters of the sidewalk around the block. Specifically, I do the sidewalk on our side of Wall, I continue down Cleveland to the end of the block, then I clean off another swathe of the sidewalk as I return and go down the block on Waverly Place.
It seems to take about an hour and a half to cover all that.
As I write this, it is 10:47 PM and the snow is still falling. The TV says that we are under a Blizzard Warning right now until mid morning. I plan to wake up at 5 and do it all again. That all depends on how much of the forecast comes true.
I am guessing, but I don't think more than a couple of inches has fallen since I finished my Blow Job at about 6:45. That was four hours ago. If the snow continues at the same pace, I'll have a good solid four inches to deal with in my next Blow Job.
I'm suddenly feeling very Gay!
Sunday was a great day for us. We got up and went to church. Afterwards, we returned home to change and then went downtown to the local Chili's for lunch. We took our time eating and reading the Sunday paper.
Then at just before two o'clock, we trundled down to the Opera House and enjoyed an hour and a half chat with Bill Cosby. I had heard parts of his routine before but it was still fun to see him. He won't be around forever and I wanted to see him one last time. Besides, I'll probably die before he will.
We came home and tried to be productive. With most of the day behind us, that was a tough order but we actually accomplished a couple of things.
I have the Carriage House cleaned out and I did a little organizing in there in preparation for some staining we need to do. We are ready to put the trim up in the entryway but the trim is not ready for us.
So, in the next few days, we will be staining. I have a lot of experience with staining. Have you seen my clothes?
My friend Mike has been staying with us for a couple of days. He lives in Bellingham but comes over to visit his mom. Mike is one of those guys I grew with who I am still in contact with. I've known Mike for close to 50 years.
Last night we went to a local Comedy Club to see Mike's brother, Tom. He has been doing Stand Up Comedy since he was 19 and I think he's pretty close to 50 now. If you run a search on YouTube for Tom McTigue, you can see some of his act.
He was very funny and we had a great time. I think that is the first time I've gone to a Comedy Club in years.