9:03AM I get up to make coffee and record the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. More on this later. Return to bed.
9:5somethingAM We get up and take the sheets off the bed for the annual Thanksgiving Day Cleaning of the Sheets.
Next Susan prepares her preparations for the Thanksgiving Dinner. It's just the two of us this year so we're not doing anything too fancy. I make some breakfast (Scrambled Cheese Eggs with Cougar Gold) and prepare my preparations for the painting of Holiday Windows.
11:29AM I get the car warmed up and loaded. With the turkey in the oven, we finally make it out the door and go paint. We painted the entrance at the Holy Family Medical Building, and the entrance to the Northtown office Building. We did very well considering it is 19 degrees out and snowing. It took about an hour at the firast stop and then another hour at Northtown. We had to stop and warm up once.

I need to clean some brushes and adjust the viscosity of some paint. I have a thin green, thin yeller, really thick white, and almost gone brown. However, once we finish the office buildings and start on the skywalks. We won't be using much color other than white.
Susan is messing with dinner and we both take turns in the shower.
It is up to 21 degrees and it is still snowing but it is starting to slow down. I am in the dilemma of efficiency against currency. I wold like to be out with the snow blower right now because there is a good three or four inches on the ground. However, it continues to snow and makes no sense to do it twice. Then again, if it gets too deep, even my Sears Craftsman Snow Hog-A-Rama Two Stage SnowMoBlower with 6 gears plus two in reverse and a 26" plowing width runs into trouble. With deep snow, it takes just as much time to do it twice with lighter snow.
In any event, I'm staying in. Did I mention that it's 21 degrees?!
4:26PM We decide to make ourselves social and go over to where my sister Sherry and her family is having Thanksgiving. They are at the home of Mom's Roommate, John. He has a great house overlooking the Spokane River just downstream from the Bowl and Pitcher. (look it up) Mom, of course is in Palm Springs. Since John' daughter is in Seattle, Sherry has adopted him and his home for a large gathering.
We visited for about an hour and then got ourselves out of thee beofre we got kidnapped and forced to stay and eat.
6:00PM We settles ourselves back into the house and prepare our feast. My digital thermometer is not cooperating so use the old standard reliable thermometer to check the bird. It is ready. We mah potatoes, make gravy, warm up some corn and susan fries up some sweet potatoes.
We set the table in the dining room and use all the good china and silverware. We crack open a bottle of champagne and have a Thaksgiving Dinner that couldn't be beat.
Then retire to the living room and listen to music off the ipod in front of a roaring fire. We throw ourselves into bed around 11:00 and Thanksgiving is over.
Now we go into intense window painting mode.
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