Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rare Mid Day Comment

I don't usually take time out in the middle of my day to blog but there appears to be a significant snowfall coming down today and I thought it required a comment. Last night, the TV Weather peoples where working every angle to talk about the impending storm due to hit anytime between now and a point in the future with one inch to 27 feet of snow. I got up this morning to no snow and what looked like a pretty decent day. It was cold but the skies were clear and it didn't look like anything was threatening to dump on us. The snow started falling about ten or elevenish and it's been going steady since then. It looks like I'll have at least one more opportunity to ply the sidewalks and alleys of the neighborhood with my Snow Machine. It has been a wet snow but it is starting to stick. I expect there will be a couple of inches on the ground by the time I get home. I hope I'll get one good snow blowing out of the way tonight and perhaps another quickie in the morn. Ah, I love a good "Quickie in the Morn!" Later that day: I arrived home to two and a half to three inches of light fluffy winter upon the driveway.

I fed the cats and went immediately to the task at hand, getting a beer. Then I went out and started the snow blowing. Here is how things looked before I got started.

It took me about 50 minutes to get everything cleared. that's a little longer than usual because I had to stop after my first few swaths because I discovered I had a broken shear pin.

I don't want to get into it too deeply because it is technical, but a shear pin is the thingy that goes in the dealie on the shaft of the roundy thing in order to keep the scoopy thing twirling. If a shear pin brakes, it's bad. If you don't have one to replace the broken one, that's even worse.

Fortunately, who the hell do you think you're dealing with here? Captain Shear Pin, that's who!

I quickly (and surprisingly) located my one extra shear pin and replaced it with alacrity. Then I finished my beer. Then I finished the snow blowing.

This is how the driveway looked approximately one and half hours after I finished.

Those bright, shiny balls are snow flakes. Again. it was clear skies when I finished clearing the snow. This shit is invasive and quick.

They say we'll have eight inches in the morning. My alarm will be set for 6 and we shall see what sort of quality weather casters we have.

Stand by for "Quickie in the Morn!"

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