I must owe money to this website because it is not allowing me proper punctuation. My previous post has no paragraphs and all my efforts to fix it have failed. So, I am assuming I must have to pay some money to someone in order to have access to the paragraph button. We shall see how it works out for this post.

Here is a definite sign of Spring. My hops is starting to push up out of the ground and begin it's long tangled journey up the arbor. Yea!
In 1933, President Frank D. Roose-something signed a bill called the Cullen-Harrison Act. This bill made legal once again, the sale the beer. At midnight on April Se7enth, Prohibition effectively ended and now that hallowed day is commemorated with the designation of "National Beer Day!"
I am therefore going to allow myself to have another amnesty day from my Lental obligations and enjoy a beer this afternoon.
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