Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Cloud Burst

It's June First and one of the things I'm trying to remember to do is zero out the AccuStan Weather Station 5000. I'm old and unfocused so remembering to do things is tough. Remembering to do things on a schedule is next to impossible.

And yet, I remembered my duty this morning. And it's a good thing because I can now report with accuracy about the major effing cloud burst we had at about 7:30 PM this evening in the night.

In a ten minute period, we got a half inch of rainfall. Well, it included hail which might skew the data but check out the pile of hail we got on the deck.

There was just about every kind of weather going on. There was thunder. There was lightning. There was torrential rain. There was hail the size of canned hams. The only weather we didn't have was tornadoes or earthquakes.

The steps on the deck were completed today so I can officially call that project complete.

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