Saturday, November 12, 2011

Historically Historic History of a Historical Nature

We awoke this morning to a light dusting of whiteness throughout the neighborhood. Now while you might think I am referring to the racial make up of our neighborhood, you would be wrong. would be right but that 's not what I'm referring to here.

It snowed a little. It was all gone by nine but it was another indicator to me that it's time to put away the deck furniture.

I did that plus a bunch of other stuff around the yard.

Susan continued work on our hallway and started removing wallpaper in the next and final section to complete. We came across a very cool piece of history.

Upon removing the full length mirror in the hallway next to the bathroom and we found history written on the wall.

We were ecstatic. The Markwoods (former owners)left us a message. I know it doesn't seem like much in the grand scheme of things. But we have left similar messages around the house in the course of our remodeling so it's exciting when we come across one ourselves. It feels like it was left for us.

The plan was to wallpaper that whole area but this discovery changed all that. Now we will wallpaper around that space, add our own message and replace the mirror.

I also spent a good portion of the day sanding trim for the hallway. I hope to get one set of trim stained tomorrow and get it back in place.

We had a little snowfall during the day but it came after I finished raking leaves. Now I have a bunch of wet leaves to haul to the dump. I love paying to dump water.

In unrelated news, Norman continues to survive. We thought he was dying a couple of months back but he's much better now. Except for being blind and having fish palsy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not convinced the leaves that fell from the trees and that you then raked and loaded up to take to the dump are unrelated to Norman's improved health. If a butterfly flaps it's wings in Wisconsin and there's a tornado in Toledo (the one in Spain, not the one in Ohio), this just goes to show the weather and butterflies are intertwined and complicated. Frankly, I don't think it's all that surprising you were sacked as a weatherman. Norman deserves more respect. Here's a haiku that I dreamed up while meditating on the weather outside my window, which in turn had an impact on my haiku which then caused me to sigh, which ever so slightly impacted the wind because my window was open a crack. The haiku goes like this: Norman crashed his nose into the bottom of the tank; a leaf flutters. I hope you like my poem. I think it will impact many lives and hopefully will affect climate change in a positive way.