Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day Three of Hell Vacation

I should have been posting all along this week but I have been busy. I need to go back to work in order to get break.

This job has entailed several phases. It's hard to even consider which was the first phase. Was it buying the wood for the trim or was it milling that wood into the shape and size I needed. What phase was staining. And what about the sub-phases to the staining process.

Surprisingly, I am pretty close to being on schedule with this project. I have one more day and only two final phases to get through.

I have to put up thirteen corner guards and then finish off with the quarter round.

Here are some pictures of the project in progress.

I jokingly implied to Susan that Phil had come over to do all the work while I just sat around all day eating bon bons. She said that would be a hard story to sell considering the quality of the craftsmanship. 

She is sooooo mean to me!

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