Monday, February 08, 2016

Tiling Day

I got out of bed at se7en this morning. I was thrilled to sleep in an extra hour and a half. I got dressed, had a nice breakfast and started to get the bathroom ready for Tiling Day.

My tile guy, who is also my close, personal friend Ron, was scheduled to show up at nine. I had to pick up all the protective cardboard that was down on the floor and retrieve the shower pan from wherever the hell I put it many months ago. Fortunately, the shower pan was right where I thought I had left it.

I hauled it into the house and BAM! Right off the bat, I hit a roadblock.
The shower drain does not match the drain hole in the shower pan, by about two inches. I thought it was going to keep us from laying the tile and setting the shower pan. It turns out we do not have to set the shower pan today. I need to contact the plumber and figure out what to do.

So we're okay.
My close personal friend, Ron showed up at the appointed time and we proceeded to get down to business. We had to put down some self leveling compound to even out a couple of areas.
Once we got to actually placing the tile, things went pretty quick.

At the start, we thought we would place the green highlight tiles as we went. They would not set up to the mortar very well so we decided to add them later and glue them in place with silicone.
You might notice that there is a row of improperly placed tile in the picture above. Don't panic! We fixed it.

We (my close personal friend, Ron) ended up working until about 4:00. We did not finish. We had a ways to go. 

Ron elected to return tomorrow and finish things up.

I'm very anxious to fire up the heated floor and feel the warm tile beneath my feet but I have to wait until everything has had a chance to dry.

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