Sunday, December 30, 2018

Home for New Years

Our 3200 mile Christmas Trek is complete. We got home yesterday after an eight hour drive from Billings. We had great weather on Friday as well...although the first 60 miles outside of Mitchell, SoDak where a little sketchy. The skies were clearish but the wind was still blowing and it was already really REALLY cold.

Once we got to Chamberlain and crossed the Missouri river, the conditions changed. We could travel at 80 again and we made the nine hour drive to Billings.

We even got in early enough to go to Jake's Montana Steak House and watch the Cougars defeat Iowa State in the AlamoBowl.

While it is great to be home, we are sick. Today is day se7en of this cold I've complained about and Susan is stricken with a pretty severe case of flu. 

We are staying in and staying Quiet. It looks like a great New Years Eve for us.

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