Friday, May 17, 2019

Cloud Burst

I left work early last night to go and pick up film. The clouds to the west looked dark and ominous. I was really hoping to get the lawn mowed when I got home. It looked like I was going to be close. 

I picked up the film in the Garland District and ran across the street to check on the progress of our mantle clock. He's been having issues with it so it wasn't just me.

When I walked out, it was raining. When I say it was raining, I mean it was RAINING. Monsoon like rain. I got totally drenched getting to the car.

I made another stop at the Pharmacy and the RAIN continued. I was driving home down the Division Street Hill and there was a current running down the hill. When I pulled up to the house, the intersection was flooded.

Water was cascading off the house.

These pictures don't do it justice because the rain was starting to subside by the time I got the camera. 

We get cloud bursts like that occasionally, but this one lasted a lot longer than they normally do.

We had some flooding issues in the basement. Nothing serious but the carpet is damp by the basement door.

We also had some major flooding in the basement at church. I stopped by there this morning and the whole big room smells musty and the floor is damp.

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