Saturday, August 03, 2019

Stupid Acts of Construction File #587

It's time this blog got back to it's main mission which was to chronicle the unending remodel jobs we do on the house and the stupid things I do in the course of doing them.

Today, the stupid thing involved the vacuum. As you'll recall, we are remodeling the TV Room. We are currently stuck in mudding and sanding.

While Susan was out doing a variety of things, I got in there and sanded. It didn't take very long and everything looks pretty good, except for the areas that need more mud. That will happen tomorrow.

Once I finished, I broke out the shop vac and started cleaning up all the fine white powder all over the floor. I got the floor about half way cleaned up when I looked at the vacuum and saw a great deal of dust blowing out the exhaust. It's not supposed to do that.

I had forgotten that I cleaned the filter last weekend and had not replaced it. So I spread a nice even coat of dry wall dust all over the entryway, down the haul towards the kitchen and all the way up the stairs.


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