Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday in SnowTown

Round Two of Winter Storm 2020 is happening as I type. It has been snowing for about an hour and if it keeps up like this, I think the 2 to 4 inches predicted in the forecast will come true.

Here are a couple of pictures from around the neighborhood.

If you look very carefully, you can see snow falling.
12:30PM: The snow has stopped. 

12:51PM: The snow has started again.

According to my weather station, it's 38 degrees out. However, I am having less and less confidence in my weather station as more systems on it fail. The anemometer which measures wind speed and direction doesn't work any more as well as the in door temperature sensor.

So I put a thermometer out side and it says 55. I'm going to give some more time to acclimate.

2:47PM: It's 39 degrees. The snow turned to rain and now it has stopped.

5:10PM: We are watching the Seahawks in their playoff game against the Green Bay Packards. It's not going well for the Seahawks. It's halftime and they are down 21-3.

It appears that the snow is over. Perhaps it will happen later tonight and if it does, I might post something about it.

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