Saturday, September 12, 2020

Trim Time

The weather has been hot and sunny for what seems like an eternity. We have had very little rain since July and every day seems to be the same as the last. Clear, sunny and hot.

Until today! It is cool with an overcast sky. The unusual thing is the forecasters are saying the clouds are from fires in Eastern Washington and as far as California.

They have issued a warning concerning our air quality that extends through Monday. 

While it is overcast, I do not smell smoke, which has been the case so often in the past. I have never really had issues with poor air quality in the past but I am getting older and my respiratory system is certainly compromised because of my heart.

We shall see how I fare over the next couple of days.

I made major progress with the TV Room yesterday. The trim is up. I am mostly satisfied with the results but I can tell you that I am no finish carpenter.

I have one little mistake to fix.

I did not notice this gap when I put the door trim in place. Susan noticed it right off the bat of course. It is a huge faux pas but totally correctable, as you shall soon see.

12:15 PM: I guess I spoke too soon about the smoke. When I left the house and headed towards downtown, I could see the smoke was substantially heavier. I also started to smell the smoke. That's a heavily filtered sun in the upper left corner.

I was easily able to remove the side rail of trim from the wall, remove the nails, fill the nail holes and replace without a gap.

Wow! That's is a crappy picture. Let's see if I can do better.

Ah! Me happy now.

4:41 PM: Susan has spent the afternoon working on the closet and hall door for the TV Room. She's got them all cleaned up, patched some screw holes and now they are ready for paint.

 I completed trim installation by putting down the base shoe. I was surprised at how fast it went. Everything fits really tight and I almost feel like a finish carpenter.

It all looks pretty good if you don't look too close because despite how I may feel, I am no finish carpenter.

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