It's getting very close to the end of the Boiler Game. The mornings are quite chilly. I'm not sure how much longer we can hold out.
For some reason, October 13th hangs in my mind as a day of significance concerning the boiler game.
I just checked the archives and the date to beat is October 21st. That record was set back in 2011.
Other information I discovered while looking back, it's been three years since we had the new garage door installed and we have been catless for over a year now, losing Oscar last October 5th.
So now the race is on to see if I can wait eight days to tie the record. It does not look promising for a new record. The forecast calls for highs in the 50's and a good chance of rain. Plus, today there is a wind advisory for this afternoon with possible gusts up to 60 mph.
Stand by!
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