Sunday, May 30, 2021

Memorial Weekend Day Two

Susan, milking all she can out of this curtain project, continues work on her final curtain. It will go on the front window in the TV Room.

I have been avoiding work all day. Here is what I did.

I reseeded a couple of areas in the front yard. I'm doing it differently from last weeks obviously failed attempt to plant grass on the parking strip.

I threw down a little dirt that I bought in a bag. It's really good soil. Then I threw the grass seed down and covered with more really good soil. Then I watered it.

Next I cleaned the front porch. I took my blower to it and that did the job pretty well. For a super cleaning, I would have mopped as well.

I filled up the little pond in our deck side backyard and turned on the vomiting turtle.

Finally, I unloaded a bunch of wood Mark gave me which I'm going to cut down into firewood.

Once that was done, I got the vacuum out and cleaned the truck bed.

I'm really enjoying this truck but I'm leery of how much it is going to cost. All I know so far is that it gets about 14 miles per gallon. It has a twenty gallon tank and as of last Wednesday, gas cost $3.00 a gallon in Idaho.

We bought some pork ribs at Costco yesterday and Susan has them in the crock pot. The whole house smells wonderful.

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