Our home is loaded with crap. Well, not so much crap as stuff.
After moving day at Mom's, we pretty much signed off on the house and left it to Rockwood. We left a bunch of cook books behind, some assorted crap (that really was crap) and some framed pictures that will go to the Corner Store at Rockwood.
Today, we tried to clean up a little. We loaded a bunch of stuff into Susan's car and hauled it to church for the yard sale and to Goodwill for their personal use of the stuff.
We felt pretty good about our progress and we'll do some more tomorrow.
According to my phone, it got up to 103 degrees outside. Fortunately, we have access to a pool that went completely un-used except for us.
We both enjoyed a nice swim with a couple of beers and kept ourselves comfortable during this heat wave.We have now returned to the house where our little AC unit in the kitchen is keeping us comfortable and we shall have some dinner.