Friday, March 24, 2023

Glass Replacement Project

9:25AM: Today, I am working on rectifying a problem with this kitchen window.

While scraping off the old paint, we came to realize that the glass pane in the bottom section of the window is too small. There is a quarter inch gap on the end that was covered by glazing. The height of the glass barely meets the grill (mullion) at the top.

We decided to make it right and get a new piece of glass for the space. So that’s my main project today. I picked up the new glass yesterday and now I need to go out and remove all the glazing and points so I can remove the old glass.

10:45AM: The glass is in. It took me about 45 minutes to get all the old glazing out of the sill channels where the glass goes. Susan and I worked on both sides of the window to get it all cleaned up. Once everything was properly loosened up. The old glass pane slid right out.

Installing the new glass went very smoothly and it fit as well as I can expect in a hundred year old house. Nothing is square. I have several points in place and I think I’ll wait a little bit before I glaze it. 

By the way, I have discovered glazing compound that comes in a tube that I can apply with a caulking gun. It goes much faster and I think the final results are much better, much smoother looking. In short, more professional!

2:20PM: The glazing is done and the Glass Replacement Project has been completed.

I also spent time on scraping the above window that looks out on the deck. I shall say again that it is slow and tedious but I have nothing but time.

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