Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Ceiling Tile Update

We are getting pretty close to embarking on Phase Two of Phase Four of our kitchen remodel.

To update, Phase One was getting the old linoleum floor cut up and hauled away. Phase Two involved the excavation and general destruction of the old kitchen followed by prepping the walls, floors and wiring for the new kitchen. Phase Three concerned the installation of the new cabinets and flooring. And good ol’ Phase Four consists of the placement of the ceiling tile.

As you know by reading the most recent posts, we have finished Phase One of Phase Four, the pantry area. That was our test area to work out the bugs of installing these things and see if we were up to the job. The pantry is just a paltry 56 square feet, which made it pretty easy to work on. The kitchen, Phase Two of Phase Four, is over 400 square feet and it has many more challenges to contend with. There are six lights that have to be dealt with and a couple of jags in the wall.

We have spent the last couple of days painting the remaining tiles. I think we will have that wrapped up by this weekend.

I still have a couple of things to do to prep the ceiling…the main thing being filling in this 12x12 hole that we’ve had for about 18 years. It’s  been a small eyesore but was essential access for running wire for the additional lights over the island. I need to get a small piece of 3/8” dry wall which, of course I don’t have. One eighth, I’ve got a whole sheet. Half inch, got it! That’s how these things work.

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