Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Finishing Touches

We finally purchased towel racks and a toilet paper dispenser for the bathroom. I got everything installed last night except for the towel rack, which gave me a couple of little problems. Some industrial strength glue and a slam-wrench will take care of that problem.

Bloomsday was this past Sunday and both Susan and I participated...and even finished. She did the 10K run in about one hour and 22 minutes. I did it in one hour and 44 minutes. I went out and ran a mile last night after work and I feel worse today than I did on Monday. I ran a big hill which I think made the difference.

I should run again tonight but I might give myself the night off.

Right now we are getting the house ready for this Sunday. It's Mothers Day and we are hosting the whole Famn Damily. There will only be about 12 of us, but that's enough to set Susan onto the Stress Train.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stan, how about posting a more complete photologue of the bathroom project from start to finish now that the project is complete so that your dear readers may get a better idea of the progress you've made there, and thereby also better share in your own sense of satisfaction.