Friday, November 09, 2012

Snow Day Eleven-Niner

Let it be known for the record and officially unto intoward paternity that November Niner is the first official snowfall of the season.

I'm not sure weather (Get it, weather/whether) November Eighth should really be the date because that's when the snow started.

But to be an official snowfall in my world, the snow has to stick and that didn't happen until later.

In any event, I am content with saying Eleven-Niner for the first snow of Twenty-Twelve.

I don't imagine it will be around long. It never stays on the ground this early in the season. But it may well be a sign of things to come.

Another great sign to point to is the number of car crashes during the morning commute. By that yard stick, Eleven-Niner again qualifies.

Also, for you Numerologists out there, Eleven-Niner is the opposite of Nine-Eleven. Coincidence? Probably!

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