Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wood Gathering and Leaf Replacement

They keep telling me that the snow is coming. They are often wrong but everyone feels some sort of fealty to the predictions that They make. So today was really my only day to get the rest of the leaves up off the ground. 

As it turned out, I only got the leaves from one part of the ground to another part of the ground. It didn't feel like I accomplished a lot but the front yard looks largely leaf free and is ready to accept snow...whenever "They" deem it is coming.
My big accomplishment of the day was to reload my wood pile. You can see above that I was getting low.

I have been given access to a friends wood pile that has sat unused behind his house for a couple of whiles.
It took two loads in my car, stacked three rows deep and up to the roof, to get it all, but I should be good for a couple of months or so, depending on how much we burn. I'm burning right now!
So now I have this large pile by the back door and more in the Play House out back. I have a feeling I'm going to be chasing spiders out of my car for the next several days.

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