Saturday, November 04, 2017

Winter Weekend

We received our first official measurable snowfall yesterday and as I write, a soft gentle snow fall is occurring out my window. That makes it a perfect day for a fire in the fireplace and Cougar football. It is almost to the end of the third quarter and WSU is behind Stanford 21-17.

I'm not worried yet because there is a whole quarter left. But as with all Cougar games, they have the potential to "Coug it" at any time.

From the TV, it looks like a very wet snow is coming down pretty hard.

I did some final Halloween clean up in the yard and now the only thing left is to stow everything properly upstairs in the Carriage House. Our friend Mark is coming over at four to help with that effort.

Update: The Cougars won in the last few minutes by three points. Mark came over and helped with the stowing. Now, I am going to get a good head start on that extra hour I gain tonight.

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