Saturday, January 05, 2019

Sickness Saturday.

Suffering through our respective illnesses, we have made it to the weekend. Susan had to work a hockey game last night and made it through so I'm trying to let her have as easy a weekend as she would like. It's ten and she's still in bed. That's good. She ended up being sicker than I ever was.

As for me, I'm dealing with minor issues of a cold. Really sniffly, and a cough that comes and goes. I'm not out, but I'm down-ish. 

In an effort to get some stuff done around here, I've been removing Christmas light. I got the deck cleaned off and I have the lights down on the front porch. Next I have to get them stowed away in a semi-manageable fashion. The more work I put in today, the easier it will be next Christmas Season.

I have a football game going in the background. The Eastern Washington Eagles are getting trounced by the Bison of North Dakota State University. It's just about to half time and the score is 17 to 3. Let's hope the Eagles are a second half team.

12:30 PM: The Eagles lost. The final score was 31-23. At least they made a run for at the end. They just ran out of time.

Susan and I are going out and running some errands. Nothing major but Susan is considering a visit to the minor emergency clinic to have her cold looked at. 

8:45PM: We spent two hours at the Minor Emergency Clinic. They finally got Susan in and gave her a prescription for Amoxicillin for her sinuses. 

That pretty much shot the rest of the day for us although we did make it to Costco for some needed supplies. 

After all that, we decided we deserved a night at the the Cathay Inn. We had a lovely meal, made it back home to watch Gonzaga win and the Seahawks lose.

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