Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday Stuff

Susan had to work the Monster Truck Rally today so I had the day to myself. I had a whole bunch of little things to get done today and I must say that I was successful with most of the things.

The main thing was to get the snow blower running well or to the repair guy so he could get it running well. I needed it last Wednesday and it ran last crap.

I drained the gas and replaced it with some premium gas. Then I changed the spark plug and tried firing it up to see if that helped.

Lo and behold, it worked. It sputtered and coughed for the first couple of minutes until all the bad gas burned through. But I was finally able to get it running smoothly. I even got out on the sidewalk and got a little of the snow I missed the other day.

Anyway, I'm happy and confident that the blower is ready for snow the next time it decides to do that.

I also did some work on the Petite Verdot that is currently brewing. I took a sample in to Jim's Home Brew and we did an acid test to see where it's at. It was decided to add 20 grams of Potassium Carbonate and I racked it into a clean carboy and made sure it got lots of aeration.

Beyond that, it did this and that around the house and even got out to the Hub for a beer.

The best thing about the whole day was not being at the Monster Truck Rally.

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