Sunday, June 02, 2019

First Sunday in June

It is a gorgeous Sunday afternoon and we are  in "Relax Mode". Trust me, we've earned it.

Yesterday we worked in the yard. Susan got the flower beds in shape and I continued a long over due job I started last week. Namely, cleaning out from under the Arbor Vitae. 

I don't think they are getting enough water because there is so much debris at the trunk of those shrubs. I just don't think the majority of the water is getting past all that crap. So I have been on my hands and knees raking out the crap.

Today we went to ArtFest down in Browne's Addition. We cruised around for about an hour and a half, had a little food and returned home. 

Once here, I cleaned out a mini fridge that Susan nabbed from work and Susan finished up putting some flowers in some flower pots for the front porch.

It is now approaching 4:00 and we are vegging. I'm here typing on the deck and Susan is luging on the couch.

Mark is coming over and Susan reconnected with her old catering work buddy, Pamm. She's coming over as well and we're having beers on the porch.

Tomorrow is Susan's first day at her new job. She doesn't seem too nervous about it but that will probably come tomorrow.

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