Friday, November 01, 2019

Halloween 2019

We're getting too old for this.
The video above shows the yard after we had everything set up. I took it about 4:30 and amazingly, we were ready to go. Our many thanks go out to Randy, Bob, Mark, Ron, Kelly, Rob and Kyle. Without the help of these fabulous friends, we could never pull this off.

We don't have very good statistics for this year but I would estimate we had somewhere around 1500 people (mostly kids) come to the door. Our first Trick or Treaters showed up just before 4:00 and we shut everything down at 8:30.

We still have candy left over but it's good stuff. We managed to get rid of the 500 Twizzlers we had from last year.

I took the day off to get everything ready and Susan took half a day. Randy, Kelly and Rob showed up early and we got a lot of stuff set up quickly.

The pallets that Susan had me attach shelves to worked out great and we'll be using those again. The pumpkins all looked great.
Here's my favorite pumpkin that I carved this year. If you can't figure it out, you're too young.
Susan carved her traditional cat pumpkin and once again, it came out perfect.

To revisit my original thought at the top of the post, we are getting to a point where we cannot keep this going much longer. It takes a lot of energy to set up and manage.

By the time we shut down, I was completely drained. I'm still very sore this morning. I think that is an indication of the kind of shape I'm in more than anything else.

I'm happy to say Halloween is behind us. Now for the clean up.

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