Sunday, October 27, 2019

Grape Run 2019

We have just returned from our Wine Tasting Weekend in the Columbia Valley region of Washington State. Prosser, basically.

We usually go down about this time of year to procure grapes for home wine making. This year, they had a freeze near the end of September and a lot of grapes were lost. That really sped up the harvest and there were no grapes for us this year.

We're going to end up buying a kit from Jim's Home Brew just so we have something the ferment this winter.

It was a lovely weekend as usual and we bought a lot of wine, as usual.

We returned to Spokane in time to go to our neighborhood Halloween party. It was held at a neighbors house down the street and they decided to do it outside. They had two fires going and we had lots of food and lots to drink. It was a fun annual event which means that Halloween is days away.

I'm taking Thursday off so we can get ready for the big night. We have a lot to do this week. I better go!

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